First of all this question might be quite broad, as I am asking for the most creative solutions rather than straightforward ones. But I hope you will indulge me with your ideas nonetheless.
I have developed a magic system in my world that works as follows:
The source of the magical energy is the earth. If the person using the magic is not in contact with the earth in any way, they have no access to the magical energy, and cannot use magic. This doesn't necessarily mean skin to earth, any form of indirect contact will work, as long as the object connecting the user is thicker than a finger throughout (think rope for example). The magic can be channelled away from the user as well through this same method. But similar to electricity, the larger the range, the more energy is lost. What material is used doesn't influence the conductivity.
How the magic is used, is through pure focus and concentration of the user. They channel the energy through themselves into the organs or objects they want to use the magic in. The limit is a combination of physical fitness, physical energy, and most importantly mental fortitude. It is comparable to constantly solving complex mathematical problems mentally at high speed (which is very psychologically draining in this context) alongside of all physical actions you do. Exhaustion is the most common limiter.
The use of the magic is limited to three specific ways:
Type one is Tactile object manipulation.
This works similar to telekinesis, objects can be moved, lifted, used, and/or manipulated by being in contact with them. They can be given kinetic energy for throwing, but as soon as contact is lost, no further manipulations can be made.
Example: One of my characters is elderly, and cannot walk properly anymore. They use this form of magic to lift themselves, and effectively hover over the ground. They channel the energy through their mantle touching the ground (this has a thick seam to satisfy the conductivity requirement).
Type two is Muscle enhancement
Basically this enhances the base muscular ability of the user as long as they are in contact with the ground. They can make their muscles faster, stronger, or give them more precise control. This is purely restricted to muscles, and comes with a built in ability to enforce the body to prevent harm to it. (This enforcing can't be used on its own). It cannot be used by any other organs; no magical healing, enhanced brain capacity, faster metabolism etc.
Example: One of my characters uses this to enhance their bow shooting ability, increasing their draw strength, and improving their aim by increasing their muscle control. Another opts to use this approach instead of the first one to lift large objects like boulders.
Type three is real time clairvoyance
I'm not sure if clairvoyance is the right term to use here, because it doesn't involve looking into the future or past, it only works in real time. Basically it is a sixth sense which can follow a person, animal, object, or event at range. It is not sight based, more of a sensory link, and can be best compared to watching through a thermal camera. It is based on locating the magical force present within anything in my world and concentrating on it. This is more of a "life force" type passive/residual magic, separate from magical energy. This is easier the closer you are, and locating things further away gets significantly harder. It is also easier to use on creatures than objects, as they have more magical force. It can be used though to "latch on" to a close object, and following it to farther away.
Example: One of my characters uses this to concentrate on snow, and dance in between the snowflakes avoiding or deflecting them without any directly hitting the character. Another character uses this to spy on people and tracking their movements while out of range.
Any combination of these magics is possible, but users mostly have a base affinity for only one depending on race, and will be weak(er) at using the other kinds. Related question giving more info about the varied races.
How could this magic be used most creatively, in any setting from common tasks like construction for users with low affinity, to combat with other high affinity users?
One idea I had for example was a makeshift parachute made of rope. The user, while falling, launches a rope towards the ground, and as soon as it connects uses magic to make the rope more rigid and slow their descent.
Technology level: similar to Gregorian year 0. Population levels are similar as well, and magical affinity is present in everyone, but the levels vary. Low-affinity is roughly 60%, mid level affinity 10%, and high level affinity less than 1%. The leftover is people with negligible affinity. A lot of training is needed for any users to increase mental fortitude for extended use, therefore a fair few users opt to not use it to their full potential.