Is there a way arachnids legs could have finger like appendages at their ends in a way that makes sense for their structure and wouldn't look like a cheesy design?
This creature wouldn't be insect like in that it has an exoskeleton, as scaling up insects to the size I am after wouldn't work, so the creature would have a skeleton but would have a similar frame to a spider with the same forms of motion.
I already have an octopus like creature and due to its tentacles it can grab tools and interact with its environment to a degree I am after but I am struggling to see how this spider like creature can grab things without fingers.
So my question is what hand-like design would make sense for an arachnid and still allow it to move in a similar way?
Edit. As this creature is around 5 feet in length it doesn't have to crawl up sheer walls using the same hair like sticky method as spiders, it will just scuttle on the ground, roll using a pair of legs to propel and climb surfaces humans could, but with eight arms they could hang onto bumpy surfaces we couldn't.