On a distant, habitable world, humanity has observed a biological marvel.
A creature that is primarily carnivorous, roaming its planet jungles and deserts, has been observed to be capable of manipulating almost every creatures biology on its home planet.
In nature the creatures looks fairly alien with blob like pustules that seemingly hold a clear yet slimy substance. If attacked these pustules will burst onto the open eyes nose and mouth of the attacking creature, and most likely any wounds, this will cause the creature to be startled and run away. The creature that has been covered in this mysterious has been seen to form purple like Calluses, which will later react to air, making it turn into a yellow like dust.
Scientist have tracked down these affected creatures, finding them either missing their limbs or dead due to having vital organs and the majority of their body turned into this mystery dust. It has been cataloged that the creatures pustules are filled with a substance that is actually so contagious, that entire ecosystems have been converted into dusty plains, resembling that of deserts. luckily this is extremely rare.
Scientist have also found out that in even more rare cases, some affected individuals will have grown extra limbs, which have been categorized as tumors.
Could such a creature feasibly exist, and if so, what conditions would be needed for its existence?