Stemming from the assumption that each alter-ego has completely independent motivation and reasoning process. This takes on an entirely different direction from my other answer.
Start with some definitions
So, what do we know?
- There are other realities that are "better" and "worse" than the current one you occupy.
- They are all similar enough to have yourself in them.
So, let's define our terms (inspired by bta's answer):
- we have you as a reference point. It's the one who is asking the question. We'll label that you.
- you-1 is the version of you from the worse reality you are going to travel to next.
- you+1 is the version of you from the better reality immediately before yours. Presumably, you've been there previously (unless you haven't travelled at all yet).
- Similarly reality is the one you currently occupies.
- reality-1 is the worse reality that you-1 occupies.
- reality+1 is the better reality that you+1 occupies.
Organise together
All alter-egos would have some difference in what they do or want but ultimately there is also going to be some similarity, too.
We never encounter each other but tests have shown that if I decide to leave a message to my follower, my predecessor has a good chance to do the same.
A you+/-m (for small enough values of m) would be quite similar. Larger spans might not be as similar. Still, I think chances are good that you'd be able to convince "yourself" from the you+n range to join forces.
So, what do you do? Just leave a note saying "Hello, me, join me after the next jump. Bring as much as you can". Doesn't really matter what he precious resource is - might be gold, silver, or whatever you want to capitalise on. Might even be mixed. The realities are not likely to be too different, so what's useful in this reality will probably be worth it in the next. Now just stock up on whatever resource then make the jump and sit and wait in reality-1.
It's not guaranteed that everybody would follow though but there should be at least a few people. And with infinite other alter-egos, I'd imagine the number might be sizeable - 100 or more. That means that there would be 100 or more times the resource requested. And some like-minded individuals (they did, after all, follow you and the request).
There is now a clone army (or alter-ego army?) that can be used, too. They can go around so "you" might appear to be in several places at once. It shouldn't be too obvious but there can be benefits to having multiple people that look the same and act the same (or close enough for both). The collection of individuals can also use the vast collective resources at your disposal to get more power, influence, and resources. There could be a you that goes to secure new contacts, while another you is acquiring more resources, while another you is using resources to get more power (bribes, buying shares, etc).
There are a lot of options open for somebody who can be at several places and has a lot of money "from thin air". I can't tell you the specifics of how to exactly utilise these resources is the beauty of it - I don't have to. There can be several alter-yous that will be poring over books and studies about finances, management, strategies and everything else that will help your collective goal.
This all relies on having faith in yourself (heh, couldn't help it) in that you have to trust the other alter-egos and each alter-ego has to trust every other one. Given that they would all be coming from reality+n space, which is better, chances are high all of you would cooperate, as they are going to be better people. If there are disagreements, an alter ego is always free to just jump to the next reality. Or...well, they can be made to jump in extreme cases but hopefully you can convince yourself (heh) that's not going to be needed.
I am fairly confident that working together with your alter egos has a high chance of success.
Potential problems
There is only one problem you can encounter. Well, actually several but it's essentially the same thing: nobody comes.
- you+1 already enacted this same plan and is now sitting at what is currently reality+1 for you (where you left the note) and is getting the gang together.
- this has a potentially easy and potentially disastrous solution. Make your stay in that reality very hard. Commit some crime or misbehaviour that will mean you+1 would have to leave. Hopefully it's not too bad, otherwise you+1 wouldn't be able to gather resources before the jump, but still. This can be disastrous if it damages your trust with every you+n, though, so be careful.
- you+1+n already enacted this same plan and is now sitting at what is currently reality+1+n for you (at least one above where you left the note) and is getting the gang together.
- like above but you have no way of influencing it. You might get some alter-egos who for some reason or another left that reality to come to you but it's not guaranteed they would or they would heed the note or that they would stay. In fact, chances are they wouldn't if they didn't stay at the reality "above" that enacted this plan already.
- The you+n versions just decided not to jump for a different reason. Perhaps they like it where they are, perhaps it's something else.
- this sounds bad. It sounds as bad as the above might actually be better. See, with scenario 2. you'd get the stragglers that don't like this plan for some reason. However, with truly independent reasoning and nobody "above" enacting this plan and most importantly infinite versions of yourself, chances are high that somebody would come at some point. The thing with infinity is...that it's big. All versions of you are free to make the jump or not. Even if, say 0.001% of them decide to jump, that's still a lot. Even if another 0.001% of those decide to continue jumping, that's still 0.000001% of infinity. At some point, somebody would eventually arrive. In fact, the "bad scenario 3" is probably going to result in what I described in the main body of the answer.
- There is no independent decision making. The only way to get somebody here, requires you to jump. Perhaps you sit and wait and "decide" there is no point waiting...which occurs to every single you of you at the same time.
So, to recap - if nobody comes the winning move is still not to jump. Either nobody would come ever or you'd eventually have some of you+n trickling in.