A few decades ago, a new glorious invention in our huge FTL interstellar empire was created - teleportation tech. A 2 meter cube is technologically put in a "Warp" field at one location and deployed 1 minute later at the destination (if there is a transporter there. If there isn't, it takes 5 minutes). You can teleport anything but heavily radioactive elements like uranium, up to the moon and back. You can also teleport humans and animals. The tech is mostly used in military and spaceships.
Except, there's a nasty side effect. In 0.1% of cases ( the actual percentage is a closely guarded secret that only a few people know. Not even all teleport technicians know how high the "number of malfunctions" is) , whatever you teleported doesn't show up. In fact, it gets replaced by a nasty warp creature made of material you teleported (let's call it a "demon") which is actively hostile to human and alien life. If you teleport a human being, it can be replaced with such a creature (which might even look human, at first glance, but is not, with the original human dead) but which has an innate connection to its home dimension, can summon more creatures by fiddling with the teleport and wants to violently kill all humans, because killing humans and aliens gives them an unprecedented high. Once the ship blows up/loses power, the "demons" die too but they are too drugged up to notice by that point.
If you teleport 100 kg of pudding, it is replaced with a surprisingly tough shape-shifting demon-possessed pudding golem which tries to do the same. Demons are quite hard to kill and it usually takes explosions and incineration by a fire of at least 300 degrees Celsius to kill one. Or 10 days without nitrogen in the coldness of space, but are otherwise pretty much immortal (they eat and breathe nitrogen and don't die from old age).
What would the use of the technology be (how to use it safely) and why would anybody use it? Would you make armored bunker "demon resistant rooms" and put the teleporter in there? Why would anybody use technology which can potentially kill everybody involved, if only in a small % of cases?
(somewhat related xkcd: https://xkcd.com/325/
My idea was that teleporters were used on space navy ships and that 20 or 30 years ago the space navy might lose a whole ship to a runaway "demon" from teleport incident. That problem is solved today and teleports see somewhat regular use. How was it solved? How often is it used today, 50 years after introduction?