Definition: Scientific laws or laws of science are statements that describe or predict a range of natural phenomena. A scientific law is a statement based on repeated experiments or observations that describe some aspect of the natural world. (wikipedia)
Say a creature from a universe is trying to find magic. It does this by repeating an experiment 1000 times. He concludes that there is no magic, there is some regularity in the experiment and thinks it/he/she discovered a basic law of the universe. But what if the magic/a deeper underlying truth is revealed by only repeating the experiment 1 million + 1 times?
Maybe the universe has some kind of code that looks like the following:
if (try <= 1000000) {
return law1;
} else {
return law2 OR magic;
Is there a way to determine that magical limit (1 million + 1) of retries without brute forcing it?
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