TL;DR I have a race of half-dragons in my near-future scifi story. I know that having wings and a tail would affect my characters hand-to-hand fighting abilities, but I'm not sure how. Additionally, how would these anatomical differences change fighting techniques developed by the half-dragons?
This question deals with the same story as in my previous post “What limitations can I put on wings for more tense/risky action scenes?” That post, in short, focused more on the flight-related limitations of the Arronians (that's the race of half-dragons) and there were some amazing answers from the fantastic people here on that topic. However, those answers got me thinking about the limitations on combat specifically, since there will be some (well, a lot) of fight scenes in my novel. I’ve already figured out some possible modifications to modern firearms for my characters to use while flying and on the ground (something similar to the Third Arm gun mount), but I’m a bit stuck on hand-to-hand combat, i.e. specifically unarmed fighting. How would having wings and a tail be useful or detrimental in a fight with another unarmed (or at most, a knife wielding) Arronian or human? Here’s a few thoughts I’ve had about how this might impact current fighting techniques:
- Their wings and tail add quite a bit of mass to your back, and might make them easier to knock backwards. That said, the extra mass can be thrown around quite precisely, so it may make balancing and recovery easier.
- The tail could act as a brace against the ground, allowing for more powerful forward movements. Also great for sweeps.
- Wings could be used as a bludgeon, but they’re probably too weak to cause any real damage without breaking something.
- Flying would obviously seem useful, but realistically they can't take off without a large open area and a running start: no VTOL dragons.
These points make sense to me, but I'm not sure how these factors would fundamentally change martial arts. Furthermore, I'm not sure if I'm leaving anything out, since I have a pretty limited knowledge of fighting techniques. So here's my question to SE: What kinds of limitations/advantages/new possibilities would they have due to their wings and tail? In essence, how would martial arts change?
If it helps, here are some characteristics of the Arronians:
- Body structure is essentially human Wingspan is 3-5m
- Wings are bird-like, and are attached around the shoulder blades (edit, mistake in copying from my notes)
- Tail is around 1m long, and is prehensile.
- Somewhat tough scales instead of skin, with feathers in specific areas
Edit: This question is specifically about unarmed fighting; I'm leaving weapons for another post.