Set in modern day Antarctica, a group of very talented scientists are working on a highly confidential scientific experiment which would one day allow us to manipulate time literally. They are working deep inside an abandoned mine to develop a machine that can extract the energy of time, the machine when switched on will convert all relative times within the radius of 15000Km of space-time into vast amount energy in a mere 1 second. (one time use only)
No worry no matter or energy is harmed during and after the experiment.
Speed of light is invariant for all reference frames including time, hence when the machine stole 1 second from a photon (light) and since space and time is treated as an inseparable object you can assume the distance is somewhat affected. (revised)
I'm not sure if I can completely trust a clock hovering many miles above my head (new)
Should the machine be activated and stole 1 second from every particles and fields within the specified range above will anyone excluding the scientists involved notice their time is robbed?