Full disclaimer : I acknowledge full well that in real life hybrid weapons are completely silly and impractical but I'm currently writing a fantastic-ish story where power fantasy is a key element. This hypothetical weapon will be more of a trick / makeshift weapon rather than a replacement o conventional polearm and bows.
Since there is a structural limit to how much weaponry a humanoid can successfully store on one's body without completely removing mobility,agility,speed, nimbleness. How would one design an effective or at the very least a decent polearm-bow hybrid? I was initially planning on having my heavily armed men carry a spear (2 parts, 1 hard-point to attach into a long ranged spear) + bow + quiver & arrows + throwing knives + a backup sword + smoke pellets or canister + boomerang + cable wires + 2 wrist mounted shields... But let's be brutally honest even with rule of cool factored-in that's just downright silly/ ridiculous and comically so. So now I'm trying to make compromises on rule of cool and semi-plausibility, which is why I'm trying to design/find shortcuts to keep my fictional soldiers as mobile/agile as possible without completely disregarding the fantasy element here.
Many thanks!!!