You're probably looking for a codified system that would be appropriate for the rules of an RPG. This ain't it. Or, it would be a pain to write into the rules of an RPG. It was fun to develop, nonetheless.
Orgone, like electricity, is a neutral power
There are a great many things one can do with electricity. Motors and generators, radio transmission, semiconducting gates, power transmission, and many others. Pretty much nobody has the ability to master all these disciplines, though all graduating electrical/electronic engineers must have insight into all of them.
Orgone can (and should) be treated the same way. Those who have access to it can access it for any purpose, but there's only so much time in the world and so many rituals to learn! Worst of all, utilizing Orgone is like speaking a language. In fact, it's like speaking a great many languages. Practitioners must actually train themselves to specifically think in a desired manner to bring about a desired outcome. Oh, you may need lizard toenails for one ritual, powdered sulfur for another, and the quality of those ingredients certainly matters — but if you can't put yourself into the correct "frame of mind," then you might as well be singing a polka for all the magic you'll perform.
So, for your first assignment in General Magical Studies 101, "An Introduction to the Accommodation of Orgone," you are required to memorize...
- The Five Magics and their Perspectives
- The Twelve Disciplines and Their Accommodations
- The Forty-Seven Principle Ingredients and their General Characterizations
- and The Seventeen Attitudes
This should be completed with all haste as an in-class essay concerning this material will be required Friday. Those who submit incomplete essays will not be permitted to attend the Intraspecial Rally between the Humans and the Nagat.
The Five Magics and Their Perspectives
The binding of Orgone within animate and inanimate objects for a purpose, ongoing or drawn upon in times of need. The student must learn to balance liberty and compulsion, focusing the mind toward the perspective of The Other, for it is only by understanding The Other and its nature can liberty and compulsion be imbued within it.
Orgone can be drawn upon to thwart and reflect the undesired intent of others. Where Enchantment would be used to bind closed a chest or a lock, Protection would be used to thwart magical attempts to open the chest or unlock the lock. Orgone can be used to shield a combatant from physical harm, secure an item or creature from theft, or align a tool to the purposes of the caster and none else. The student must learn to balance selflessness and selfishness, focusing the mind toward the perspective of Intent and the many languages of greed, lust, and jealousy to properly enjoin selflessness and selfishness in equal amounts.
Orgone can alter and control the living creature be it plant or reasoning being. The student must learn to balance the True Name with the Great Lie, focusing the mind toward the perspective of Accountability to properly retain the Name while expressing the Lie.
Transmutation is to the inorganic rock what Transmogrification is to the delicate petal — it is the capacity to wield Orgone to change the nature of minerals, fluids, and gases, to bind and divide, to empower and to expel. The student must learn to balance reality and fantasy, to see within and without! focusing the mind toward the ponderous perspective of Persistence such that the will within can drive the desire without.
Orgone's most subtle use is perception, the capacity to comprehend, to see beyond the limits of the moment. The student must learn to balance hope and despair, for the knowledge of things as they were, as they are, or as they may yet be can betoken fortune and poverty alike. The mind must focus toward the perspective of Time, both its logic and illogic, lest truth become illusion.
The Twelve Disciplines and Their Accommodations
A Disciple is one who devotes their time and talent to the challenge of mastering a specific aspect of Orgone. Interdisciplinary mastery is permissible, but only after the student has achieved mastery in their first discipline and then undergone the Rite of Mustiiken, which will ascertain the suitability of the applicant for interdisciplinary mastery. The consequences of attempting interdisciplinary mastery without the endowment of the Rite of Mustiiken and the inevitable madness that follows will be introduced in General Magical Studies 205, "Orgonic Physiognomy and an Introduction to the Medicines of Magic."
The First Five Disciplines you already know, for they are the Magics themselves.
Mastery of Enchantment
The Accommodation for this Discipline is music in its many forms and functions, for the mind's adaptation to music is perfectly suited for interweaving the power of Orgone with the base nature of the object, plant, or creature to be enchanted. A simple example of this Accommodation is the mind's comprehension of the melody of a harp that permits the enchantment of a base material (The Other) such as wood or metal with fragrance.
Mastery of Protection
The Accommodation for this Discipline is austerity and rigidity in one's life: from a lack of personal possessions to sleeping on hard, flat surfaces and otherwise surrounding oneself with the immutable and the weighty. When the mind becomes focused like the body, Orgone can be used to surround person, place, or thing with that magic that will forbid against the caster's desire. The most obvious example is the focused remembrance of sleeping upon a cut slab of granite with its solid, immovable intent that permits the caster to implode Orgone in the form of a simple, physical shield.
Mastery of Transmogrification
The Accommodation for this Discipline is the language of life in all its forms and majesty. What better way to bring a falcon to light upon one's arm than to call out its true name in its own language! Whether the murmur of the susurration of leaves or the expression of odor of a fine stew, Orgone will bend the will and nature of the living object to the caster's will, even allowing the caster to take that form! It is not uncommon for claimants to the Master's Robes to demonstrate this feat by speaking the languages of many things (for only in this way can the caster be accountable for his or her goal) to make life become something never seen before. Such was how the Chimera was born!
Mastery of Transmutation
The Accommodation for this Discipline is to live apart from life and death, to eschew the ways of men and the charms of animals. It is not uncommon for disciples wearing the Ocher Robes of this mastery to be found living deep within the earth, or among the desolate deserts and lonely islands of the world. For only by setting one's self apart from their base nature can the true authority of Orgone be expressed in the earth itself. No candidate for mastery would debase him- or herself by merely transmuting lead into gold. Such tinkering is childish to the master! But by comprehending the ominous heartbeat of the earth itself, by persistently encompassing the absolute reality of what all of life must stand upon, can the master craft, shape, change, and control the essence of the world.
Mastery of Scrying
The Accommodation for this Discipline is the control of all emotion, both the emotion of one's self and the emotion of those surrounding one, ensuring all things are in the control of the moment. The comprehension and control of emotion is mandatory for the clarity of vision necessary to truly see past, present, and future. The adept capable of understanding hate, envy, joy, and serenity can see the past without remorse or confusion. The journeyman capable of understanding surprise, anger, panic, and laughter can view the present without doubt or certainty. The master capable of understanding hope, despair, disdain, and anxiety can look upon the fabric of the future without contempt or cowardice and advise the course of kings. But only after learning to control one's self, and those around one.
Of the remaining seven Disciplines and their Accommodations, it should be mentioned that all are a combination of the Magics. It should be noted that some combinations, though attempted, have never produced great gifts and are therefore deemed unfathomable. For example, none have brought Transmogrification and Transmutation together as their Accommodations are mutually exclusive: the one embracing the language of life while rejecting the languageless natue of the earth, while the other eschews life to encompass the very reality of the earth beneath. Life, said the Master Laedyth, is the fantasy the reality of earth permits, and so never the two may meet. Students should not be tempted to try and extrude new or alternative Disciplines before completing (with a passing grade!) General Magical Studies 410: "Paradox and Paradigm: The Essential Nature of Orgone."
Mastery of Destiny
Encompassing aspects of Enchantment and Transmogrification, the Accommodation of this Discipline is song. The purpose of this Discipline is to redirect the destiny of a human soul, to change a person's interests, desires, and goals such that their fate is substantially altered (beyond what could be believed through luck or circumstance). Adepts often find themselves teasing one another (and unsuspecting strangers, despite clear rules to the contrary!) with simple emotional potions such as the ubiquitous love potion or the more practical Heroic Dust. But true masters can use Orgone to change the fate of an individual such that their descendants for generations become bound to the caster's woven destiny! Songs that bring such nation-changing alterations to pass can be weeks in the singing and often necessitate the help of fellow masters.
Mastery of the Seer
Encompassing aspects of Protection and Scrying, the Accommodation of this Discipline is concentration in every aspect of the disciple's life. The purpose of this Discipline is to see the One True Thread, or perhaps more literally, to Declare the One True Thread in the fabric of the future. Masters of this Discipline are able to enforce the choices of the living and the entropy of the earth to ensure one and only one specific future comes to pass. It is little wonder that this Discipline graduates the fewest masters and rare it is to see the brilliant white linings of the black mastery robes in the courts of the powerful. Disciples have been known to die when vying to enforce their one of the two or more competing futures several masters may be trying to bring to pass. He or she with the greater concentration wins the day (in the most literal sense), necessitating great endurance. And only the most powerful of masters are able to weave the fabric of time to ensure their desired future while not disrupting the fulfillment of some master from long ago. Only one, Master Vadnek, has ever had the fortitude, the endurance, and the sheer concentration, to rewrite the enforced future mandated by a previous master. It is said that it cost him his life, but they never found his body....
Students who are successful in their application to the Seership Discipline are required to complete with a passing grade General Magical Studies 555, "The Ethics of Magic and Time." Due to past troubles with students from wealthy families, the final exam will be administered by a tribunal of graduated masters led by famed Master Huclaere, whose integrity is beyond repute and whose judgement will be final. You've been warned.
Mastery of Blacksmithing
Encompassing elements of Enchantment and Transmutation, the Accommodation for this Discipline is (not surprisingly) blacksmithing. It is the one, dedicated trade the disciple may ever have. While the most common result of this Discipline is enchanted weapons, the most talented masters produce talismans capable of focusing Orgone in ways that generate elemental conditions. This Discipline and Mastery of Protection are the most common Disciplines to be brought together in interdisciplinary mastery.
Mastery of Promise1
Encompassing elements of Transmogrification, Protection, and Scrying, the Accommodation for this Discipline is fidelity — complete, untarnished fidelity. The purpose of this Discipline is to bind a living creature to a purpose. Sometimes misunderstood as an unbreakable vow or a perfect covenant, (and never to be confused with the Discipline of the Seer or the Discipline of Destiny! Both of which can literally coerce an individual or the world to the caster's will.) the art of binding creatures to a purpose does not abrogate their freedom of choice nor interfere with their destiny. Instead, it conditions their choices such that when one choice favors the binding, that choice is easier to make than the other. Further, the Discipline has a metaphysical "area of affect" in that others who may choose to act in such a way as to compromise the binding with, themselves, favor choices that protect that binding. This Discipline is one of the most complex, demanding not simply a perfect recitation of ritual, but perfect timing, measure of ingredients, and an unyielding frame of mind. Masters of great experience have been discovered utterly insane — a consequence of failing to meet the absolute fidelity demanded by this Discipline.
Mastery of the Dead
This most feared of Disciplines encompasses Enchantment, Transmogrification, and Scrying. The Accommodation for this Discipline is Love (a curious byproduct of The Other, Accountability, and Time). The purpose of this Discipline is to comprehend, speak with, even reanimate the dead and is nothing short of the power to reach through the Veil to bring mind, soul, or body of the deceased to the present. Mastery of this Discipline is so feared due to the moral fortitude demanded of the caster — for the dead know great mysteries the living were never intended to know.
Master Ueklid has developed a new class made available only to successful applicants to this Discipline. Magical Psychology 522, "The Riddle of Kerhorum-Lat." Students receiving a passing grade will intern at the Bahqduer medical facility. Students that do not receive a passing grade will intern at the Oorood medical facility on the island of D'urt. Students will learn about both facilities on the first day of class.2
Mastery of Clairvoyance
Encompassing elements of "Transmogrification" and "Scrying," the Accommodation for this Discipline is silence. The purpose of this discipline is to gain knowledge about ideas and intents. It is greatly sought after by kings and nations and though highly valuable for research into the natural world and its wonders, it has an obvious practical application for espionage.
Admission requirements for this Discipline are very specific and require regular evaluation and justification for continuance during the applicant's early years of study. Students with a romantic notion of manipulating world politics will be screened early and quickly from the program. It is known that some students especially ill-suited for the program enter Master Ghellictks' study for evaluation and never exit.
Mastery of Life
The last of the Twelve Disciplines and their Accommodations encompasses elements of "Enchantment" and "Protection," but curiously, not "Transmogrification." The Accommodation for this Discipline is cleanliness: both purity of the body and purity of the spirit. The purpose of this Discipline is to bring health, or the essence of life, to the disciple's focus. With this Discipline the master may animate the inanimate (and it was the interdisciplinary combination of the Discipline of Life and the Discipline of Scrying that master Moammathul was able to create the Kazzari Homunculus, whose prophesies lead to the Peace of Comsant and whose interference brought about the Illun civil war). Lush gardens and bountiful harvests are the basic hallmark of this Discipline's masters, but so, too, are great works of healing such as the Lifting of the Fourth Battalion on the eve of defeat to Emperor Malden II — 500 healed and saved from death only an hour before nightfall, turning the tide of the Inland Ivy War.
The Forty-Seven Principle Ingredients and their General Characterizations
Although nearly every element of earth and life may be used to manipulate Orgone, these forty-seven....
1 Promise and Destiny look an awful lot alike, but they are applied very differently. Destiny can change generations and focuses on what the individual will become. It completely disrupts the laws of random chance to guarantee that evolution. Promise is far more practical (and harder to control) in that it focuses on a job that needs doing — a result that needs to come about, but the consequences or path taken may not be at all what the caster expected or intended. Random chance is still very much in play with the Discipline of Promise.
2 Students who reach this class know too much about the Discipline to be allowed to fail without "proper safeguards." The Island of D'urt has proven a convenient place to... help students ill-suited for this Discipline to... continue their "journey" without additional risk to the world or the dead. Um... yeah. Something along the lines of Route R2-45, but with a wand.