What factors would influence ecosystem development in an ocean on an ice world?
It is thought that several moons in our solar system (e.g. Europa) may have significant oceans under their icy crusts. It is possible that life may arise in oceans like these, powered through chemical reactions related to tidal heating and/or the irradiation of the surface ice.
Earth Analogies
On Earth, ecosystems are determined by factors such as latitude and rainfall.
Ocean ecosystems are influenced by factors like depth and the location of major currents.
I am interested in ecosystem development, particularly factors that could change over time, resulting in disruption to the ecosystem.
Example: Changes in monsoon rains can transform a desert into a savanna and back again (as has happened to the Sahara historically)
Example: Changes in nutrient run-off or up-welling in the ocean can result in giant algae blooms, killing off existing sea-life (Red Tide in Florida recently)