I'll presume since you didn't list the superpowers, and you specifically describe them as "only slight," they're not going to decide this outcome, but perhaps give them an edge in certain situations. So by-and-large we're mostly dealing with "normal civilians vs a SWAT team."
Even being optimistic this is a stacked, uphill battle.
There's a reason small arms are universally accepted as the most effective way to stop individual combatants, and have been for over a century. Further, the SWAT team will be composed of men and women presumably trained and practiced in the use of small arms, as well as trained and practiced in tactics and teamwork relevant to taking on people.
...with small arms only (MP7s, MP5s, Five-Sevens) so not immensely powerful but accurate and high fire rate.
There's a common misconception (thanks, TV, movies, and video games!) that smaller calibers, such as 9mms, are somehow not that dangerous. This is completely false. You can kill with a 9mm round farther than even trained shooters with a resting firing position can accurately shoot a 9mm. In the linked video he's able to shoot through a sheet of plywood, through a 2x4, and make a clean exit out of it, meaning it has plenty of force. Move to hollow points, and the round will expand, ensuring that the force of the round will be used far more effectively to neutralize the intended target.
So you have trained, coordinated teams with infrastructure and logistics support, with fully automatic weapons that can easily kill a human.
Unless your heroes drastically outnumber the SWAT team, or there is a legal or political reason holding back the SWAT team, an engagement with the SWAT team will not be a win for our heroes.
The only way to win is to not play the SWAT team's game. Never engage with the SWAT team. Run. Hide. Cover their tracks. And if the aforementioned political/legal strategy is an option, use that.