My main antagonist is an infant Great One that's been imprisoned below the Moon's surface and I want its influence and physical form to have a weakness to direct sunlight which, I think, gives me a reason to make eclipses more than just a pretty event.
Here's my logic: A long-dead organization cast a 'magic' spell that created a planet-wide barrier that severely inhibits the Great One's psionic/arcane/cosmic/spiritual/whatever influence through it. The catch, is that this barrier has a city-sized, funnel-shaped 'eye' or pinhole, anchored to the ritual site from whence it was cast (Central United States), through which the Great One can periodically poke its figurative tentacle. However, direct sunlight has a harmful effect on the little abomination so it remains inside its prison which, itself, has an extremely narrow view-hole through which the {eye of the barrier} can be seen. Like a pencil-thin shaft a football field long or something. Only when this tiny opening in the prison and the 'eye' of the barrier align well enough, can it exert its will on the surface of the planet in full force. Incidentally, I think this can only happen during lunar eclipses and total solar eclipses and even then, only when they coincide with the region of the barrier's ritual.
{Partial illumination of the moon, like that seen during a lunar eclipse will not deter the Great One's influence and its view-hole (or even multiple view-holes) can be anywhere it/they need(s) to be on the moons's surface to make this idea work. As long as direct sunlight crosses the path between the view-hole(s) and the barrier's eye, the influence will be disrupted.}
{I can change the angle or topography of the funnel shape or even give it a relatively small amount of motion around the anchor site, if necessary.}
A couple things I've thought of that support this idea's validity:
1.) Yes, the Moon is tidally locked to the Earth, but I don't think this means the Moon would be at a good enough angle to align the barrier's eye and the Great One's peephole {every time it's visible in the sky}. If I understand my research, a blood moon or total solar eclipse would be the time the Earth and Moon are closest to zenith in the sky above their respective surface {which I imagine would be the only range of positions in the sky that align the view-hole(s) and the barrier's eye}.
2.) What about the full Moon? Too much direct sunlight.
3.) New moon? Depends on the angle.
EDIT: I've clarified and added details, marked with {}, to the above text in response to an answer by Dalila.