Imagine that the taboo around Airships and dirigibles is broken. Besides some cargo, passenger and tourism Airships there's one company that focuses on the super-rich by selling what are essentially flying super-yachts.
A metamaterial skin prevents the gas from escaping the hull, meaning you'll lose maybe 1% of your gas per year. Electricity is created through pressure, wind, batteries, a backup engine and solar panels on the outer shell (mainly semi-rigid or rigid Airships are used I assume). Water can be collected and filtered for use both from rain or by collecting from the sea/lakes. An on-board computer accessible from anywhere in the ship keeps it level, can steer the ship to any destination while avoiding obstacles and it monitors the local weather and news reports to keep the airship safe from hazardous weather conditions (rule of thumb: Any weather with winds faster than the Airships max speed is dangerous). And similar to Airships of old it can reach a whopping 130km/h.
Now most problems that would arise can be handwaved away with future materials or for the most part existing solutions and real-life Airships already exist that can do what I want. But what I cant figure out is how to make these Airships comfortable to enter and exit. You want whoever from your small crew to be able to get out and get the groceries or maintenance parts without the need to stop where you are going. But more importantly you want to get in your supercar and be safely on the ground or return to the airship with minimal discomfort and minimal facilities. So far the only solution I have thought off is an extendable elevator at the bottom of the airship and a parking lot. But that still means you need a pretty damn long extendable arm on your elevator to reach the ground if you are anywhere near houses or worse some flats. It also means your crew wont be able to leave without stopping the airship.
Anyone got any bright ideas?
Criteria on which the solutions will be judged: - Passenger/storage capacity.
comfort (less effort in a more natural position = more comfort in general)
Overhead (=minimum preparation time to use the solution. Having to strap on a parachute has a higher overhead than stepping in a flight-ready helicopter).
average speed
Average distance it can reach.
Service time between uses, including potential refueling.
Ground facilities required to use the solution. In some cases the size of the area required to for example land would need to be mentioned as a ground facility as well.
Edit: this is not an all-airship future or a steampunk setting. Airships would simply supplement current transport options. And just like all other transport before it, the rest wouldnt become obsolete.