Previous to this question, I made a post regarding many questions about the biology of the creature I had been designing. Looking back on it, I realized that I asked a LOT of questions for just one post and did not go into very many specifics. I decided to break those questions up and go into more specifics on what exactly I was looking for, with this question regarding the compound eyes of my creatures.
I'll start off by giving some quick background. These creatures are insect-looking bipeds that have evolved on a mostly jungle/ocean planet with various (not very large) grasslands surrounded by these jungles, justified (from what I've read) by a thick nitrogen/oxygen/carbon-dioxide and humid atmosphere, significant amounts of water, continents mostly placed near the equator, and possibly a slower planetary rotation/adjusted tilt. These creatures are mostly predatory, developing and embracing an elite warrior culture and are likely the best soldiers and warriors in the galaxy, almost always outmatching any other galactic creature or society in combat. These creatures on average are around 7.5 ft tall and weigh roughly 200+ pounds, but these measurements are flexible to change if necessary.
I imagine these creatures' eyes being or looking like compound eyes with human-like vision quality (having decent to good visual acuity/possess depth perception and the ability to focus on objects) or better. Based on my brief research into compound eyes, most animals that have them (insects and crustaceans) aren't the best in terms of visual acuity, depth perception, and focus ability due to the way compound eyes on Earth are structured. Although some insects such as the dragonfly have decent vision due to their compound eyes consisting of over 30,000 facets, their visual acuity is still inferior to that of, say, humans. One article I came across while looking into this subject even claimed that the visual acuity of human eyes was still over 100 times better than that of dragonflies.
As for the size of the eyes compared to that of the head, in addition to facial structure, I would assume that of the Asian Giant Hornet is the closest to what I have in mind. Assume that the size/structure would be scaled up to that of the height provided.
My question is: How could the structure of the compound eyes possessed by these creatures be modified or adapted to allow for the traits previously described, all while retaining the appearance of compound eyes? Is it even possible to do so?