Beneath the sands of the Planet Dalia, their lives an abominable creature, a creature that eats beings whole and slowly, slowly digests them for years at a time. This creature is...The Tayan.
Worshipped by the native aliens as dark gods, most of the Tayan’s victims are slaves of nobles and priests, who sought to appease the dark gods with special “gifts”.
As of late, Dalia is often visited by the occasional sadists, who want their enemies to die in the most horrific way possible. Most of the time, victims are stripped of most belongings, as to prevent any rowdy escape attempts. But, my hero steals a weapon, and falls into the Tayans fuller with it.
The weapon is metallic, with a fusion power cell contained inside it. No acid can possibly corrode it, so god the Tayan it would mean an extremely upset stomach. I have just seen a huge design flaw in my creature. It’s maw is shaped in a way so that things can only go in, not out, so regurgitating indigestible materials that way is impossible. And it’s buried underground, so my question is: How can the Tayan regurgitate indigestible materials, given the circumstances above?
Just Incase you want a visual representation of the Tayan, here is a photo