So I have been thinking about making a building on the moon that would create a 1g environment for the people inside without making the structure too inconvenient to attempt to get into. This is my design. Note, it has no airlocks because it would be in an enclosed dome or structure with an artificial Earth-like atmosphere and a good temperature.
So the structure itself is a spinning cylinder and the point of this structure is to provide a section within that cylinder which will experience a constant force of 1g. So the vast majority of the cylinder houses nobody but the small part that does is the "hab", each Hab has 2 bunkbeds on either side, a small kitchen and a table for four people, they can cram. So how it works is that, depending on the position of the "hab", the cylinder will slow down or speed up to create the artificial gravity, when the hab is closer to the bottom of the cylinder then the top it will be adding gravity to what the planet is already providing within the given direction while when it is closer to the top then the bottom it is spinning to create the same amount of G-force as the planet is producing plus 1g to get a total of 1g.
Now as for getting in, there is a ring on both ends of the cylinders which is totally separate from the cylinders themselves, this ring has a small box which anybody who wants to enter in will have to go through. So a person who wants to get in will enter the box, then they will press the button that begins the process, a hook will then protrude from the box at the right time and at the moment of contact with a receiving hook that is part of the cylinder it will speed up to 1g to where the box is parallel to the door, after this a semi "draw-bridge" will go between the box and the door which allows the person (or people) in the box to enter.
Now my question is if this is something that can be made within this century with current tech or tech we are likely to gain, and another thing I want to know is if there is a better design that you can think of, I will take an alternative design into consideration but I don't require that you give me one to answer. Now if I spoke albeit confusingly and you don't exactly understand what it is then tell me. Now final thing, if you have an alternative design and can draw well it would be appreciated if you have an illustration.