I just won the national lottery! I am a billionaire, and can do whatever I want with my money!
Tv interviewer asks me what would I do with this money. Then, come the Idea.
I remember this guy when I was young, Kevin, if I remember correctly. His parents were rich, way richer than mine. And therefore, he had much more Lego than me. As he was my direct neighbour, he used to play in the garden, or to expose his big towers on her balcony, so I could see that he had more Legos than me.
I still remember him, and want my revenge.
Here is my plan. Kevin lives in a rural area, and there are only fields across the roads. I buy them all. Now, I want to build the highest Lego tower possible, just in front of his house. Money isn't a problem anymore, the sky is the limit.
- I would be ok if the foundation are not in Lego, but otherwise, all the towers must be simple Lego bricks.
- width/length shouldn't be a problem, as I have a big land
How high could my Lego tower be?
PS: This have been asked/answer elsewhere, but I'm not ok with the answers. For example:
- Quora: Just tell us a random number, without showing us the calculations. Bonus point for wondering if we have enough pieces.
- BBC: Base theorical heigh according to pressure/weight until a brick collapse, before telling us it would be impossible
Other articles are similar, based on the weight, but don't include the need of foundations, wind resistance...