I misread an answer to My carrier pigeons have been replaced by spoons: how can I send messages?, thinking it was referring to a network of parabolic reflector dishes made of spoons orbiting the planet. This lead me to envisage a colossal trebuchet on a mountaintop launching a rocket-powered structure of spoons into orbit, though I have doubts about the realism of this plan.
Assuming that the Royal Mathemagicians have discovered Newton's Laws of Motion, and ignoring for now how they'd actually use an orbiting parabolic reflector dish, is this realistic?
- How would they launch it far enough?
- How would they adjust it into a stable orbit?
- Would the spoon structure survive the forces involved?
- Is this affordable for a medieval king?
- Assuming a surface gravity of 1G, how small would the planet have to be for medieval technology to be capable of this feat?
(A smaller planet would mean a lower atmosphere and atmospheric pressure, so there's a limit as to how small you can make the planet.) - What's the minimum required handwaving to make this possible?