So, in my Science Fiction story, my character, Bryan, has just gotten (seemingly) the worst punishment anybody could ever get. A group of terrorists have just blown him out of an airlock, near the biggest Black Hole in the Galaxy. He's extremely scared and thinks that once he enters the Black Hole, he's dead. But, something incredibly strange happens.
He goes into the Black Hole, gets stretched nearly to death, and then, he comes back out. He turns around and sees a White Hole, burping out material into the....he realizes the place he is in is strange. Black dots and a white void are impossible in Bryan's Uni....he then realizes that he’s in a Universe that’s somehow a negative of the place he just left, like a blueprint Bryan once learned about in school. This Universe he’s in as made out of Antimatter, and he instantly urinates on himself.
Bryan is well versed in science and knows that when matter and antimatter come together, it causes an earth-shattering kaboom. And that is with just a few grams of Antimatter, but Bryan is a 180 lbs. grown human, if he contacts anything, without some sort of protection, it's gonna kill him. He turns on his jetpack and sees a group of junk ships and vessels. He tries to get away because he thinks their Antimatter, but he realizes it's just clutter from his old home.
He finds a man, Dr. Heinrich Von Braun, who went missing 20 years ago around the area of the Black Hole. He’s the only one, even though his ship had 13 other people on it. He tells Bryan that the other crew members went insane, got into the escape pods and tried to find a planet to inhabit. The found one and....well, you know...KABOOM. Dr. Von Braun wants to try and find a way back home, and he thinks by finding a Black Hole in this Universe, he could travel through it and get back to the normal universe. But there is a problem. The two men are made out of Matter, along with their ship, but to get to a Black Hole, they would need to travel through the Universe, which can be filled with particles rocks and other debris that would utterly destroy them if they contacted each other.
So my question is: How could two beings, made out of 100% pure Matter, protect themselves from an Antimatter universe.
- It's okay for your answers to be out there, as long as it's grounded in real science