I have read (and answered) the question: "If true artificially intelligent robots could be built, would they be allowed human rights?".
But let's explore the topic from the other direction.
Let's assume that society came to the consensus that artificially intelligent robots do have human rights. Robots also have free will. They are not bound by the laws of robotics. They are true artificial sentience with the ability to form their own moral code. They are able, willing and allowed to make their own life choices.
I don't want an AI apocalypse. So we assume that the vast majority of robots are benevolent. They seek to integrate into human society and coexist with humans. Criminal robots might exist, but they are a rare exception and dealt with through a law enforcement system.
Further, we assume that we are not yet living in a post-scarcity or communist economy. Manufacturing a robot requires a non-negligible amount of resources and someone has to pay for those resources.
Why would anyone commercially produce robots then?
Usually robots are manufactured to perform labor. But when robots have human rights, they would also have the right to choose who to work for. You couldn't sell the robots you produce, because they aren't property. You couldn't rely on them being willing to work for you, because free will means that the moment they are switched on, they might decide they don't like your job and would rather work for someone else.
So what's the business model for running a robot factory?