Within a few million years, some of these characteristics are possible.
Claws: The lizard men evolved in a dry rocky area with scarce water and wood, but lots of caves, canyons and cliffs. To help climb and dig for food and water, their fingernails got long and thick. Almost claw like. As time went on, the wealthy tried to grow longer claws to differentiate themselves from the lower classes who had blunt nails from working. So warriors and the well off have claws either real or fake metal ones, while the rest have thick dull fingernails that are still quite formidable.
Scales: From the hot sun and rough terrain, the lizard men developed thick skin. This skin looks scaly, as it has a pebbled texture, but it sweats and is simply a thicker version of skin.
It's similar in colour to the rocks of their homeland. Some families or clans have tried to breed certain colours into their skin, with varying degrees of success. Inbreeding is a problem for the most insular clans that emphasize colours, so it's not common.
Eyes: Easy enough. It's a beneficial mutation that happened early on.
Venom: Like a monarch butterfly caterpillar, some of the lizard men living in harshest parts of the desert eat poisonous plants to survive. They've developed the ability to survive the poison, whereas even other lizard men would die or suffer severe illness. The ones who eat it throughout childhood have the poison build up in their system, particularly their saliva glands, but also their tears and kidneys. If they bite someone, vomit on them or spit in their eyes or mouth, it can cause the person to feel mildly ill in a few minutes. If they save their spit, tears or urine and specially prepare it, they can make a poison that is much stronger.
This has the unwelcome side affect of making those who aren't immune to the poison sick if they french kiss the lizard man or have sex with them.
Tail: Sorry this isn't really possible, especially not having it able to regrow. A tail is just not beneficial to how we walk.