I have a country X that's rapidly growing and badly needs a work force nearby. Unfortunately for the business community population is deeply xenophobic and immigration is a non option. So the government decides on a consensus. There's a strip of low value desert land with coastline that is controlled by country X but contested by neighboring countries Y & Z. And X's claim to it is quite flimsy.
So they decide to make it an industrial zone for labor intensive products. The government brings cheap labor from poorest countries in the world, refugees, prosecuted minorities, anyone who could work under lowest wages. The government makes sure that they are from as many sects, nationalities and races as possible so they can't unify and ask for rights or god forbid independence.
The problem is governing all those people, since X could use few of its security forces and bureaucracy. The strip is not popular for citizens and beside citizens are very expensive, which defeats the purpose of cheap place nearby to make labor intensive staff.
What is the best way for X government to recruit apparatus from foreigners that will be loyal to it and do their job reasonably professional? By government apparatus I means police force, customs, city administration etc.
P.S. Don't mention China and offshoring, they want place nearby with cheap labor and that's governed by their own law and fallows their own standards. The neighboring countries are far to lawless and they don't want to outsource.