Originally the space settlers tried to bring bee hives with them. Was a bit of a trying journey for the settlers whenever the hive wanted to swarm.
They had trouble getting the bees to survive the trip and those that did survive couldnt adapt to the alien environment. Being endangered, it was also very expensive.
In the mean time, after many failed attempts at transporting live bees and failing to adapt Earth-based alternatives, they had managed to develop a hand pollination system.
They kept wanting to develop an artifical system, as humans are naturally lazy at these repetitive tasks. However, piped pollen sprayed on the crops kept blocking the pipes and causing expensive delays and repairs. Pollen is sticky.
Artificial drones amd other Earth based robotic pollinators had magnetic/alien planetary interference which kept preventing the drones from communicating effectively with the domes artificial environment control system (AECS). They need a better acronym. This means that even though the drone systems work on Earth, the systems just are not compatible in an alien offworld environment.
AECS has total control of the entire settlement and even controls security. For security purposes all domed and inhabited areas are scanned for unexpected metal/plastic visitors. Many thieves have thought to use drones before.
What your protagonist has done, is actually develop a shielding for her drones which prevent them from being scanned by security. She used some alien mineral or highly clever handwave computer trick to provide a shield coating to her tiny friends to bypass AECS security systems. The drones communicate amongst themselves.
Instead of providing feedback on their position to a central server and being controlled by AECS, the drones are receiving feedback from amongst themselves and do not need outside control. The shielding from the security system has an unintended side effect of negating the planetary interference that had previously hindered pollination attempts.
Your protagonist has developed a proto hive mind drone based AI. She provides them input parameters of what she requires and they then go off and do their own thing without needing constant movement reports from AECS (which is what all previous attempts had attempted). As they no longer need to report their position and the shielding from the security system preventing other planetary interference, they succeed in stealing trinkets for her, and later making her quadrillions of credits when she commercialises her product.
What the Martian colonies look like after the Drones realise sentience is another story.