In the semi-distant future, humans are fighting robots with steel armor tough enough to reliably stop a round fired from a regular infantryman's rifle of the time (say something roughly equivalent to 7.62 NATO).
Someone comes up with what they think is a brilliant idea: "If we can't just punch through their armor, why not let the armor do the punching for us?". This person creates a round the same size as the standard round that operates on the same principles as High Explosive Squash Head (a piece of plastic explosive in a metal shell that pancakes onto the armor and detonates, sending a shockwave through the armor which causes bits of metal on the other side to break away and fly at high velocities through whatever else is there). He tests it against some old wrecks salvaged from some battlefield, and...
The question here is two-fold:
Is it feasible to create a rifle-calibre HESH round for general infantry use and have it fire out of a rifle originally designed for standard ammunition?
Would the round be powerful enough to cause enough spalling to reliably damage the internal components (wires, sensor suites, batteries, etc.)?