So, my climates are extreme due to a 31.1 degree axial tilt. The maps provided show a climate classification system based on prevailing winds and elevation.
Based on Reddit user u/shagomir's Planet Calculator Pro workbook, I have an average temperature in the tropical regions of about 8.85 degrees Celsius throughout the year.
What sorts of vegetation should I expect in a climate zone with so much precipitation, but such low temperatures? What Earth biomes are my tropical regions likely to compare to, if any?
This equirectangular map projection displays the general location of climate regions according to the Köppen Climate Classification System on the landmasses. The blue parallels are the equator, tropical and polar latitudes. The red parallels are 7.5 degree intervals at which the temperature was estimated in u/shagomir's temperature models.
From the North pole southward, here are the average year-round temperature estimates for each latitude band from Shagomir's workbook:
- 90 - 82.5 degrees N: 241 K
- 82.5 - 75 degrees N: 255 K
- 75 - 67.5 degrees N: 261 K
- 67.5 - 60 degrees N: 266 K
- 60 - 52.5 degrees N: 270 K
- 52.5 - 45 degrees N: 273 K
- 45 - 37.5 degrees N: 276 K
- 37.5 - 30 degrees N: 277 K
- 30 - 22.5 degrees N: 279 K
- 22.5 - 15 degrees N: 280 K
- 15 - 7.5 degrees N: 281 K
- 7.5 - 0 degrees N: 281 K
- 0 - 7.5 degrees S: 281 K
- 7.5 - 15 degrees S: 281 K
- 15 - 22.5 degrees S: 281 K
- 22.5 - 30 degrees S: 280 K
- 30 - 37.5 degrees S: 279 K
- 37.5 - 45 degrees S: 278 K
- 45 - 52.5 degrees S: 276 K
- 52.5 - 60 degrees S: 274 K
- 60 - 67.5 degrees S: 271 K
- 67.5 - 75 degrees S: 267 K
- 75 - 82.5 degrees S: 262 K
- 82.5 - 90 degrees S: 256 K
- 90 degrees S: 242 K
This equirectangular map projection displays relative elevation on Jasmi's surface. Lighter colors are higher elevations.