A common thought in fantasy is that a crazy person can become very powerful: The Joker, Hannibal Lecter, Willy Wonka and Tyler Durden to name a few. Let's say a man named Charles, decides to take over the world (mainly due to being power hungry). He's an insane man, with schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder but luckily for him be comes from a rich family.
Does Charles have a realistic chance at taking over the world?
Some clarifications:
- By "take over the world", I mean - at the very least he must take over the United Nations Security Council - controlling the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United Nations, China, and France.
- Charles must, at the end, be able to control these nations, he does not have to visually be in power but he must be in power.
- Charles' net worth is estimated at 19 billion.
- Charles must rise to power within 50 years. He is currently 24.