I'm trying to create an original species within semi-realistic biological constraints.
I need a way for a giant (7-8 feet long) arthropod to convert large amounts of CO2 into breathable oxygen for personal use. Be it through a reaction or breaking the bonds of the molecules, I just need a lot of oxygen to result from it. They breath through spiracles like most arthropods, but have very different biology overall and so can breath more actively than a lot of smaller invertebrates.
There is no water within the ecosystem it resides in outside of a few specific living organisms, since the surface temperature is always above 200 degrees Celsius. There is no sunlight, this is a closed ecosystem within a giant cave system. There are no plants, only fungi, animals and microscopic organisms.
I am only providing this information to demonstrate the chemical constraints of possible solutions. The way that energy is obtained isn't relevant to my question, I just need to know what chemicals could do what I need, even at different temperatures than the ones provided.
I've looked into things like Lithium peroxide, which is used in spacecrafts to convert CO2 back into oxygen and reduce CO2 overall within the cabin, but its an inorganic compound that I couldn't feasibly find a way to work it into the biology of these creatures.
Carbon capture technology doesn't really help me either, since from what I can find the Amines used to react with and bind to CO2 for transport don't release Oxygen as a byproduct or anything like that.
I don't have a lot of knowledge on chemical reactions, so forgive me if there's an obvious answer I wasn't aware of.
This organism is an invertebrate, and evolved from a giant species of moths within this world. A population of them were isolated within another dimension that is nearly identical to The Nether from Minecraft.
For a number of reasons; such as the fact that this organism has an internal body temperature of about 1000 degrees Celsius; this arthropod species doesn't have almost any water within its body and doesn't need water to survive. A fictional element I made for this world acts as a replacement for water within its biology. This element doesn't have the properties I need to achieve my goals for this organisms respiration.