So I'm already knee deep learning about science stuff for what I'm working on, but these two questions seem to have snagged me.
Of note, I am looking at these issues from a highly technological standpoint, so assume the best tech is available but space magic isn't. Assume wormhole tech is also abundant.
When thinking of space ships designed for combat, they are basically just giant weapons with engines. Odds are, you would want the biggest gun possible. I seek a science based way for a weapon that isn't based on physical ammo. It would have to be long ranged, or at least have a decent range.
Considering this, I thought about a gravity wave based weapon, as opposed to using lasers, particle and ions as a basis for the damage. Please keep in mind I'm not looking to create a black hole with this weapon, instead to fire a line of... whatever. Assume energy supply is more or less not an issue. Having a deployment delay makes sense.
Could a Meson Accelerator type weapon could be made that creates damage mostly physically rather than just through radiation? Or could it be improved so the radiation basically resembles something like a solar flare?
Edit: There's been some good feedback, talking about using wormholes to connect to a highly hazardous stellar object and point it's effects at the target. This has my thoughts going towards wormhole stability based on the energy transfer.
I'll narrow down another thought: What could a vessel generate on it's own power and local area that could be weaponized in this way? Assume lasers and stuff could be made massive enough to qualify, but we are looking for another type of weapon.
Any feedback is appreciated.
Someone already directed me to Atomic Rockets which has been very useful for much of my research, but these two aren't really covered there.
Edit 2: Would usage of electromagnets to create generate gravity waves in a condensed form achieve these results? Would electromagnetism be better used to fire physical ammunition or could direction of charged particles be used instead?