I am known as Malevolencia the good, a warm hearted witch on the path to domination. Using my knowledge of magic, I have discovered a way to extend my life using the souls of others. This ritual takes place over the course of many years and requires multiple steps to ensure completion.
There are 5 parts that make up a soul, which are condensed into a stable form and held together by various spiritual components:
- Raw mana- the life energy of the soul.
- Ka- seat of a person's Emotions (love, fear, anger, etc)
- Ba- seat of a person's memories
- Sed- a person's spiritual I.D. (how the universe identifies and keeps track of them.
- Un- the connector that binds their soul to their physical body and the physical realm.
By separating the soul into its parts and breaking them down into their originial elements, I can reconstruct my own soul from the remains of theirs. First, I must find a candidate who's mana signature is similar to my own, similar to an organ transplant. The best matches would be those of my family, the closest of which are my children as they have descended from me. Whenever I have a son/daughter, the process would begin, where I would raise them as my apprentice and can keep close watch over them.
After I die, my soul will transfer into the new body, which is kept in a magically induced coma and stored away for future use. After an incubation period, the host's soul is consumed in the process, and I emerge as a younger version of my original form. By reincarnation myself through my own children, I have been able to extend my life for many centuries.
Although some may call me a monster, I actually have a good reason for this: I am on a quest for immortality so I can conquer the world and subject it to my every whim, thereby providing the justification that makes my motives sympatheic. However, after the 7th body, I noticed a problem. Although my physical form comes back fresh, my soul is getting weaker. This is similar to a photocopier, where each successive copy fades more than the previous one. This makes it harder to perform the transfer, and more difficult to access my own mana.
By this logic however, my physical form should be coming back old and decrepit, with various flaws. This is not the case, for even though my soul is weaker, my body is perfectly rejuvenated as it was when the ritual began. How can this be the case?