Setup: The year is 2018. Malicious virus escaped secret lab and managed to kill 99% of all humans between January and April 2016. Not-so-average Joe spent his last two years of basic survival with the rest of people who are immune to the virus.
Joe managed to gather about 500 survivors and they live off the ground in a small village. Although situation is still rough, the group managed to get the basics going: They have running water, good shelter, protection from winter and enough food to keep them healthy.
Now the idea arises in Joe's head: About 20 miles away, there is abandoned nuclear power plant. And because it did not explode in last two years, Joe assumes the internal security systems of such nuclear power plant managed to shut off the core automatically.
Because there is no electricity in the grid, Joe also assumes, that getting into the plant is just matter of time (And he has all the time on Earth)
The group consensus is: Better die because we screwed something in the plant than to die simply because we will die anyway. And having some electricity in the grid would be huge bonus for Joe.
Can Joe start up the nuclear power plant?
Some background:
- Joe can use computers and understand basics of most common operating systems (Windows - Linux - Mac OS, where he knows only real basics of Mac OS)
- The plant really managed to shut the core off
- But the plant is also powered by solar panels, so some internal security systems may be working
- The virus in question managed to kill 99% of people in three months and the country where Joe lives was infected first. (so everyone killed within a month)
- Joe knows only the basics how power plants work. Nothing else.
- The power plant in question is "Made in USA". Although not really in function anywhere, just assume the power plant is Westinghouse AP1000 model
- Joe is not stupid, so the village in question is positioned in a way that if something wrong happens in the plant, the village itself stays intact
- And as stated in the question: There is no electricity and no internet. If Joe should study something, it should be printed out and accessible in local library.