I am going to offer an alternate world wherea counter-trend answer here and say that there is little to no need for the wheel and thisno need for the wheel This is an alternate world theory for reference.
- Humanoid, with human level intelligence
- Human penchant for setting down roots (creating cities etc)
- Human penchant for expansion and trade
Basically I am making sure I point out that this is an "if humans could fly" scenario.
The primary reason for creatures that can fly to create and utilize the wheel is encumbrance. Being speedy and able to fly is great but that may not facilitate the transportation of goods. Its not the only reason to consider the wheel a likely technology but it seems the most obvious. Moving Stuff
Alternate World
- A world with a significantly lower gravitational pull
- Thats it really
Now, there are a host of other concerns with a low gravity planet. Can the atmosphere be created maintained etc.
But if we But lets skip over that for the moment. Low
Low gravity would allow flying creatures to carry significantly more around with them reducing the need to develop the wheel. Could they still come up with it? Sure, it just wouldn't be as impactful and may get skipped over as air based travel would be easier to use and less costly. Maybe instead of the wheel and ground transport technology goes the direction of blimps and things earlier on because it is easier to do.
Just an alternate idea/answer.