Added Clarification on Socialism
The OP thought money was distributed to the citizenry; that is seldom the case in actual Socialism, or money-distribution is a relatively smaller component of it. Socialism can simply provide services to the population, for free. So it doesn't give you money to buy healthcare, it provides health care. It doesn't give you money to rent a livable apartment, it provides you an apartment. It doesn't even have to give you money for food; but can provide you with the food. It doesn't have to give you money for transportation, it can provide public transportation (not just by bus, but in some cases taxis to transport one person to some justifiable destination; e.g. a person to a doctor's appointment). And finally, they do not have provide money for tuition and housing in college; they can just provide the college and dormitory rooms for free, funded by general taxation.
In the USA and Europe, we do not give people money to pay for privately owned toll roads; for the most part we just provide the roads for free, for individual, business, and public use.
Another aspect of socialism is that, besides the free services, people generally do work for money to buy better than the free services (if they want something other than the public cafeteria menu, for example, or a bigger apartment or a house). According to the IBC (International Building Code) an "apartment" can be as small as 220 sf, and that might be all that public shelter offers, per individual. (Which would have its own ramifications: Women might have children in order to be entitled to more space; people might get married or cohabit for the same reason.)
I say this to improve this answer: The cyberpunk aspect comes into play because, in world where a very large % of people have been put out of work by advanced tech, those people do not necessarily have a single dollar of income, and they aren't geniuses or exceptional athletes, artists, musicians, comics, gamers or beautiful enough to be models or actors. But working together, as criminals, they might be able to steal actual money from the working people.