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Genocide can be a hassle, as the population is rarely cooperative, and the gains are never enough to cover the expenses of such vast project. FortunatlyFortunately, the human cruelty is nearly infinteinfinite, and this hasn't stopped many powerfullpowerful leaders and sharp mind to spend countless time and effort on such a despicable purpose.

Here is a list of usefulluseful tactics that have been used through history, or that have been invented by that wicked mind of mine. You can use them both for genocide or to simply break them as a people.

As mentionnedmentioned by Youstay Igo, you could find some sickness they are vulnerable to, and use it against them. You have many ways to do this

This one has been mentionnedmentioned by many other answer, so I won't detail it. Even if torturing some prisonnersprisoners is not that effective against the rest of the population, this cannot make them any good, so carry on. It could even be used as a distraction to boost your own troops moral.

In the opium wars, chineseChinese forces were significantly weakened by the use of opiods, wichwhich were illegally imported from britishBritish colonies (this was, as you can guess, the starting point of the war). Getting Wussname to widely use some sort of adictiveaddictive drug may reveal tricky, but very usefulluseful once you succeed. You may achieve this by using some third party, so they do not suspect the provenance of the drug : manipulate a travelling merchant, a friendly country of your ennemyenemy, or send troops equipedequipped with the drug to a suicide assault. They may found the drug on your soliderssoldiers body and try it.

GerillaGuerrilla warfare

Youstay Igo mentionnedmentioned that too. Ambush, traps, landmine and gunpowder are your friends on this one. Use also your dragons to make raids on their cities with incendiary bombs. Beware thought, as this is their country, they know it better than you do. I'd suggest you burn forests rather than trying to use them for an ambush that could be easily scouted and usedagainstused against you.

EDIT : I almost forgot, but this will also grant you the unobtainium. But you may discover that having some instantaneous communication is far more precious than better weaponeryweaponry. Also, as Conan said, there is nothing in life better than crushing your ennemyenemy.

Genocide can be a hassle, as the population is rarely cooperative, and the gains are never enough to cover the expenses of such vast project. Fortunatly, the human cruelty is nearly infinte, and this hasn't stopped many powerfull leaders and sharp mind to spend countless time and effort on such a despicable purpose.

Here is a list of usefull tactics that have been used through history, or that have been invented by that wicked mind of mine. You can use them both for genocide or to simply break them as a people.

As mentionned by Youstay Igo, you could find some sickness they are vulnerable to, and use it against them. You have many ways to do this

This one has been mentionned by many other answer, so I won't detail it. Even if torturing some prisonners is not that effective against the rest of the population, this cannot make them any good, so carry on. It could even be used as a distraction to boost your own troops moral.

In the opium wars, chinese forces were significantly weakened by the use of opiods, wich were illegally imported from british colonies (this was, as you can guess, the starting point of the war). Getting Wussname to widely use some sort of adictive drug may reveal tricky, but very usefull once you succeed. You may achieve this by using some third party, so they do not suspect the provenance of the drug : manipulate a travelling merchant, a friendly country of your ennemy, or send troops equiped with the drug to a suicide assault. They may found the drug on your soliders body and try it.

Gerilla warfare

Youstay Igo mentionned that too. Ambush, traps, landmine and gunpowder are your friends on this one. Use also your dragons to make raids on their cities with incendiary bombs. Beware thought, as this is their country, they know it better than you do. I'd suggest you burn forests rather than trying to use them for an ambush that could be easily scouted and usedagainst you.

EDIT : I almost forgot, but this will also grant you the unobtainium. But you may discover that having some instantaneous communication is far more precious than better weaponery. Also, as Conan said, there is nothing in life better than crushing your ennemy.

Genocide can be a hassle, as the population is rarely cooperative, and the gains are never enough to cover the expenses of such vast project. Fortunately, the human cruelty is nearly infinite, and this hasn't stopped many powerful leaders and sharp mind to spend countless time and effort on such a despicable purpose.

Here is a list of useful tactics that have been used through history, or that have been invented by that wicked mind of mine. You can use them both for genocide or to simply break them as a people.

As mentioned by Youstay Igo, you could find some sickness they are vulnerable to, and use it against them. You have many ways to do this

This one has been mentioned by many other answer, so I won't detail it. Even if torturing some prisoners is not that effective against the rest of the population, this cannot make them any good, so carry on. It could even be used as a distraction to boost your own troops moral.

In the opium wars, Chinese forces were significantly weakened by the use of opiods, which were illegally imported from British colonies (this was, as you can guess, the starting point of the war). Getting Wussname to widely use some sort of addictive drug may reveal tricky, but very useful once you succeed. You may achieve this by using some third party, so they do not suspect the provenance of the drug : manipulate a travelling merchant, a friendly country of your enemy, or send troops equipped with the drug to a suicide assault. They may found the drug on your soldiers body and try it.

Guerrilla warfare

Youstay Igo mentioned that too. Ambush, traps, landmine and gunpowder are your friends on this one. Use also your dragons to make raids on their cities with incendiary bombs. Beware thought, as this is their country, they know it better than you do. I'd suggest you burn forests rather than trying to use them for an ambush that could be easily scouted and used against you.

EDIT : I almost forgot, but this will also grant you the unobtainium. But you may discover that having some instantaneous communication is far more precious than better weaponry. Also, as Conan said, there is nothing in life better than crushing your enemy.

I was so focused on evil tactics that i forgot the main purpose of the war
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EDIT : I almost forgot, but this will also grant you the unobtainium. But you may discover that having some instantaneous communication is far more precious than better weaponery. Also, as Conan said, there is nothing in life better than crushing your ennemy.

EDIT : I almost forgot, but this will also grant you the unobtainium. But you may discover that having some instantaneous communication is far more precious than better weaponery. Also, as Conan said, there is nothing in life better than crushing your ennemy.

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How evil are you ?

Genocide can be a hassle, as the population is rarely cooperative, and the gains are never enough to cover the expenses of such vast project. Fortunatly, the human cruelty is nearly infinte, and this hasn't stopped many powerfull leaders and sharp mind to spend countless time and effort on such a despicable purpose.

Here is a list of usefull tactics that have been used through history, or that have been invented by that wicked mind of mine. You can use them both for genocide or to simply break them as a people.

Disease :

As mentionned by Youstay Igo, you could find some sickness they are vulnerable to, and use it against them. You have many ways to do this

  • infect some prisoners and then let them escape from your prison.

  • hold a position upstream of a river were they usually drink, and throw all sorts of nasty things in it, like the feces of a hundred thousand soldiers.

  • sell them some infected clothes or covers, and watch smallpox do the job.

  • drop dead bodies on them with your dragons. With some luck you may even hit some wells in the process.

Scorched earth

Ravage any land you can get hold on, and leave nothing behind. Each one of your defeat will only buy them some time. Each one of your victory will cost them people and land, crippling their economy and morale.

Burn the villages, rase the cities, salt the earth, poison the wells, kill the men and enslave the rest ; this may even help you fund this war.

Psychological warfare

This one has been mentionned by many other answer, so I won't detail it. Even if torturing some prisonners is not that effective against the rest of the population, this cannot make them any good, so carry on. It could even be used as a distraction to boost your own troops moral.

Debilitating Drugs

In the opium wars, chinese forces were significantly weakened by the use of opiods, wich were illegally imported from british colonies (this was, as you can guess, the starting point of the war). Getting Wussname to widely use some sort of adictive drug may reveal tricky, but very usefull once you succeed. You may achieve this by using some third party, so they do not suspect the provenance of the drug : manipulate a travelling merchant, a friendly country of your ennemy, or send troops equiped with the drug to a suicide assault. They may found the drug on your soliders body and try it.

Toxic gas

You may have some alchemist guild to help you on this. Find some stone that produce a nasty gas when mixed with water and other stones, use the right wind at the right place and bam, you got a tactical and psychological edge on this annoying race of them.

Gerilla warfare

Youstay Igo mentionned that too. Ambush, traps, landmine and gunpowder are your friends on this one. Use also your dragons to make raids on their cities with incendiary bombs. Beware thought, as this is their country, they know it better than you do. I'd suggest you burn forests rather than trying to use them for an ambush that could be easily scouted and usedagainst you.


Once you are done with all that nasty stuff, you can track the survivors, capture them, break them, drug them, breed them, and use them to transmit messages for your future battles. Find some way to let them hope for freedom, like a prophecy about a white knight in shining armor, so they have something to lose if they betray you.