Some fun answers:
Dig into the dirt
##Dig into the dirt YourYour rifle could be hand-held, and do X amount of damage, but if you need to take down e.g. a building or tank, fold out some kind of spike from the gun and ram it into the ground/nearby wall, allowing that to brace most of the recoil
Counter shot
##Counter shot TheThe bullet is leaving your gun in one direction, making it kick back the other direction. Instead, make the gun fire two projectiles, one at the target, and another in the opposite direction. As long as your friends aren't behind you, there is now a perfect no-recoil situation.
If you want to minimise the damage behind you, make it a very heavy projectile, while making the forward facing projectile very light. The forwards bullet will zip off, while the heavy one will only go ~10m behind you.
Again, this counter bullet could be optional—only used when you really need fire power. You might only need one or two heavy projectiles, and reuse them (assuming 1-2 shots will do all the damage you need to end the fight, or that you're under cover).
Just make sure the counter bullet goes over your shoulder, or around you, but not through you.