Because we live in a Virtual Reality.
Because we live in a Virtual Reality.
Through decades of advancement in Quantum Physics, we conclude that computer processes reside within the very fabric of our universe - humanity decide a simulation extremely likely.
Post breakthrough, humans start to draw up mechanisms on how such a system might work. Through further investigation, it is thought, our simulation is governed by a series of AI's - each handling a unique process, such as; gravity, weather, cell-division, etc.
Based on our new understandings we start to revisit age-old questions, eg. why do placebo's work? Why is it that through believing one can recover from ill-health, they do? In actuality, micro processes are at work, sculpted by relevant AI's. Prayer (faith, belief) is thought to be nothing more than a filtering system. It helps prioritise tasks amongst vast calculations.
In other terms - prayer resembles pull, push requests. By default, the program works perfectly. But through observational nodes within (or rather 'life') - re-factoring from the inside out becomes the most efficient framework for improvement.