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Dec 19, 2016 at 18:00 comment added Oskuro Well, I'd assume any simulation would have historical data as part of its inner workings. In any case, what I was getting at is that instead of recursively trying to simulate itself, the machine could make simulations where humanity is made to obey random commands from an absolutist ruler, just to collect data on the impact of such a form of government, and if, regardless of the nature of the commands (good or bad) humanity is unhappy, the machine can easily extrapolate that its existence is non-conducive to the goal of the simulation (max happiness)
Dec 19, 2016 at 12:14 comment added Dotan It's close the seems's answer - there could be an inherit problem with obeying a machine that would cause great harm. But looking at history is not how my machine works, it would have to simulate and see that it happens every time
Dec 19, 2016 at 10:03 history answered Oskuro CC BY-SA 3.0