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Elephants and Mole-Rats are both immune to cancer. Their

Their bodies evolved to kill or cannibalize cancer cells as sunsoon as they find them.

But cancer is not a disease, it's: it is an error in the mechanism of multi cellular-cellular systems, Al. All you have to do is making Aliensmake aliens that don't experience these errors or make them immune like Elephantselephants and Ratsrats on earthEarth...

Elephants and Mole-Rats are both immune to cancer. Their bodies evolved to kill or cannibalize cancer cells as sun as they find them.

But cancer is not a disease, it's an error in the mechanism of multi cellular systems, Al you have to do is making Aliens that don't experience these errors or make them immune like Elephants and Rats on earth...

Elephants and Mole-Rats are both immune to cancer.

Their bodies evolved to kill or cannibalize cancer cells as soon as they find them.

But cancer is not a disease: it is an error in the mechanism of multi-cellular systems. All you have to do is make aliens that don't experience these errors or make them immune like elephants and rats on Earth...

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Elephants and Mole-Rats are both immune to cancer. Their bodies evolved to kill or cannibalize cancer cells as sun as they find them.

But cancer is not a disease, it's an error in the mechanism of multi cellular systems, Al you have to do is making Aliens that don't experience these errors or make them immune like Elephants and Rats on earth...