Uhm,... sure. Wont be aan easy game, but possible for sure.
The surgery (excaptexcept the nervecellsnerve cells) is not the big problem. Just put it in and it's fine.... lol. Not really, but this is by far the easiest part.
A bigger issue will be the nerves. You surely heard about brain-surgeryssurgeries today. They still are very complicated. Also to reatachreattach lost extremities is easy, when you omit the nerve-connections. But if you want to give the patient the abillityability to use his extrimitiesextremities like in old days, it's still a hard job. But if your mad scientist(which is more a mad doctor) can handle that, the pleasure will be there.
Second big issue is the hormon-thinghormone thing. Transgender people often take hormones to change their sex (plus surgery of course). This takes many years. I know thatof one men whoman that once was a woman. He took 6 years of therapytherapy until he growedgrew a beard, if you know what I mean.