In the US we would have the National Flight Legislations or NFL for short, the NFL would create flight laws for humans without violating the 11th Amendment in the original Bill of Rights: "The right of the people to fly shall not be infringed", so the work done by NFL would be to "regulate" Infringe the flight right, constituted by ten simple laws:
1. None is allowed to fly over buildings unless one has a justifiable reason.
2. One shall not fly within flight free zones defined by local laws
3. One shall not fly one mile away or less from airports
4. One flying a mile or less from a military building can be considered a threat and shot down
5. While flying, one shall not carry any kind of firearm or explosive material
6. One shall not fly under the influence of drugs that alter one's ability to fly
7. One can fly carrying objects which weight does not exceed five pounds
8. Objects carried during flight should be carried inside a sealed container and attached to one's body
9. The limit speed one can fly is twenty miles per hour
10. The maximum altitude one can fly is five thousand feet
The non-followinginfringement of the laws above shall result in lawful penalty defined by the local laws
Just a few bad things...
Just imagine how many violent people we have right now, now add "wings" to those same violent people, it would be a total chaos, a lot of people could pass out and freefall to their death, terrorists would hit buildings just like birds with C4 strapped to them, airstrikes wouldn't be as effective against personnel, so the military would bomb places at night to cause maximum damage, killing disabled people who can't fly and women and children who can't move as fast as fit men. A lot o people would be hit by lightning strikes if flying when raining. The plane that bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki would have been a freshman from San Francisco with a smaller nuke.
Wars in general would still be almost the same, because humans can't fly so high and could be shot down, but I don't know, the soldiers could wear some bird camo so they could sneak into the enemy's aerospace and drop bombs/grenades.
We could be robbed anywhere, every police pursuit would most likely cause death, because tackling a flying object with another flying object is not that smooth.
We would move from place to place in a cool way, no ladders, some stairs, fewer cars, less traffic, a lot of people would try to do the "deed" in the air, no bird poop. We would most likely be attracted to people with better wings because of natural selection, people would take dumps over buildings and houses, no bicycles because it's lame.
Sentences that would be widely used
"Dude, check that chick's ;) wings, so feathery"
"Don't be such a chicken"
"Look at him, he's a penguin, hahahah"
"Fly me Bruh, fly me now, come on bruh!"
"Man, don't clip my wings"
"OMG, staaahp plucking me, mooom!"
"I believe I can fly!"