I don't haveThe planet I'm working with has two different moons, both around the same size /quite(3/ all the details worked out, but I have a few questions:
- The planet I'm working with has two different moons, both around the same size (3/4ths of the main planet). Is it possible for the planet to support the orbit of these moons?
- Each moon has its own respective properties: one takes four 40-day months (one month per season) to complete a full orbit and is tidally locked, while the other has twelve 40-day months (three months per season) and is not tidally locked. I'm unsure about how the "dark side" works, but is it possible for both moons to have seasons based on their phases, and if so, how could various species (plants, animals, etc.) adapt to these radical changes, especially combined with the lack of light?
- On all three heavenly bodies, species can get quite large, including humanoids getting up to 20+ feet, some animal species on the moons reaching 600+ feet, and a forest on the non-tidally locked moon that reaches up to half a mile high. What conditions are required for these to be plausible?
Some4ths that of these I could probably chalk up to "magic" but that'd be quite the cop-outmain planet). I'd appreciate if I could find a few solutions that made them a little more accurateIs it possible for the planet to support the orbit of these moons, I guess.especially with these proportions?