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Oct 31, 2015 at 11:29 comment added ozone No you missed my point. What I meant is that a mutiny is more likely in a very small subset of people than it would if a leader had a whole police force and government at his disposal, especially if the leader is just one of a handful of people all equally qualified, like a group of six scientists.
Oct 31, 2015 at 1:11 comment added Thucydides If Frank is the captain, they you better believe everyone will risk their lives and do what Frank says. A mutiny might be excused after the court martial if it is shown Frank was clearly acting in a dangerous or irrational manner and endangering the command, but otherwise his authority is pretty much absolute. The captain, manager or overseer of a colony (or whatever other title they have) will be in the same position as a ships captain or the commander of an aircraft.
Oct 29, 2015 at 12:29 history answered ozone CC BY-SA 3.0