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Jun 5 at 7:10 comment added Themoonisacheese @Trish: sure, but they're light years away. in the absence of FTL, there's realistically nothing they could to to humans. not that it's important to this question anyway, but i wanted to point it out.
Jun 5 at 5:47 comment added Trish "We glass your Homeworld" could be triggered by one species being anathema to the other, such as one percieves the other as an existential threat due to how they procreate or as food. Think a species of sentient parasitic brain bugs that turn humanoids into shells or Tyranid/Xenomorphs that eat everything in the way
Jun 1 at 1:15 comment added Ash @PaŭloEbermann Yes but if you start it up once the RKKVs are committed it doesn't have to be fast, or even last too long to move the system off angle.
Jun 1 at 1:08 comment added Paŭlo Ebermann Stellar engines are slow, relative to a RKKV.
May 31 at 9:23 comment added Ash Weirdly moving a star system wholesale might be easier than evacuating the population. See Stellar engines and in particular the Shkadov Thrusters
May 31 at 9:15 history edited Ash CC BY-SA 4.0
added 3 characters in body
May 31 at 8:52 history answered Themoonisacheese CC BY-SA 4.0