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Apr 9 at 15:04 vote accept Neil Iyer
S Apr 2 at 3:06 history bounty ended Neil Iyer
S Apr 2 at 3:06 history notice removed Neil Iyer
Mar 30 at 6:04 comment added Fallenspacerock @Neil Iyer you could also mark the best answer and make a new question if that is the case.
Mar 30 at 1:33 answer added Logan R. Kearsley timeline score: 2
Mar 30 at 1:21 comment added Neil Iyer @Fallenspacerock I mean the answer present says that I could use DNA, but I have kind of changed my question now if you know what I mean.
Mar 30 at 0:35 comment added Fallenspacerock @Neil Iyer if it is answered you could post your own answer or mark one as accepted.
Mar 30 at 0:27 history edited Neil Iyer CC BY-SA 4.0
more specific stuff
Mar 30 at 0:24 comment added Neil Iyer @Fallenspacerock It is kind of answered but I will try to narrow it down more.
Mar 29 at 23:52 comment added Fallenspacerock @Neil Iyer really sad to see this question still unanswered maybe you could try narrow it down little bit more.
Mar 28 at 14:27 comment added Fallenspacerock Whatever you want needs a mechanism to store information. The lack of information is due to it being so ridiculous complex that trying to figure out what could happen is impossible.
Mar 28 at 14:08 comment added Neil Iyer That is what I have tried to do, but there isn't much information on these matters (and I don't really understand technical papers enough to use them here).
Mar 28 at 8:30 comment added Fallenspacerock To consider a solution we should probably first consider what can dissolve in ammonia. Though i am very sure every solution is at least partially pseudo scientific.
Mar 28 at 3:55 comment added Neil Iyer Nevertheless, N is still an extremely common element in the universe although it is less stable than C and O.
Mar 27 at 22:55 comment added Gray Sheep Note that interstellar matter contains much lesser amount of N as C/O. That is because nitrogen has a much lesser stable nucleus (with its odd number of protons).
Mar 27 at 22:24 answer added Pica timeline score: 0
Mar 27 at 8:10 comment added Slarty Note it is now believed that Earth started with a carbon dioxide / nitrogen atmosphere rather than one based on methane:
S Mar 27 at 4:11 history bounty started Neil Iyer
S Mar 27 at 4:11 history notice added Neil Iyer Draw attention
Mar 25 at 20:15 history edited Neil Iyer CC BY-SA 4.0
Mar 25 at 18:39 comment added Fallenspacerock As far as i am concerned life is possible if you have a good liquid solvent. Though another matter is if carbon or silicon can form live under such conditions as really they are the only options realistically available. That is if you don't want to go down an extra speculative path.
Mar 25 at 17:23 history edited Neil Iyer CC BY-SA 4.0
fix name
Mar 25 at 17:08 history edited Neil Iyer CC BY-SA 4.0
fluoro-arabinose addition
Mar 25 at 15:03 history edited Neil Iyer CC BY-SA 4.0
potential options
Mar 25 at 1:07 comment added Neil Iyer I know it's speculative and unrealistic, and I am also not expecting super specific answers. However, I'd love some analogue to use.
Mar 25 at 0:39 comment added Fallenspacerock You are basically trying to do something that is highly speculative and possibly impossible. I would say that you probably won't get a very specific answer on this. Though as this is highly speculative you probably should get away with making it semi realistic. Though generally i don't think you can make DNA as we know it in this way.
Mar 25 at 0:18 history asked Neil Iyer CC BY-SA 4.0