The world I’m building is like this. There is: there are a bunch of technologicaltechnologically advanced countries. In these countries there is an elite class that holds all the power. The elite makes the war and they have armies of robots (weapons are forbidden to the plain peoplelower classes). The plain peoplelower classes and non-technological countries do not stand a chance in case of conflict.
The type of warfare I have thought ofwant in my world is thesomewhat old way-fashioned: two armies meet and one of them prevails, only that it is with robots and not soldiers. There is also some terrorism, perpetrated also perpetrated by the elites, generally on other countriescountries' elites. WhatBy terrorism, I mean by terrorism here is things like murdering someoneassassination, bombing an eventbombings, a facility etc. without taking the blameclaiming responsibility.
In other threadsquestions I have read that a humanoid shape is not the most efficient shape for a fightfighting robot. My robots can have non humanoid shapes, no problem, actuallyproblem; I have no strong preferences on this questionpoint. The robots are very sophisticated and equipped with AI but still robots. Humans are the ones controlling them in any kind of mission whether it involves a small group or a big battle. Humans make decisions on the field, prevent their army to befrom being hacked, try to hack the enemy robots etc. They are inside of ships to be able to move and protect themselves from explosions etc.
The armymilitary is divided in Landinto land, Seasea and Air armiesair forces. I'm not sure ofabout this choice because a fightbattle can easily take place in Landland and air at the same time, or sea and air, or even in land, sea and air at the same time.
My question is, what moreadditional roles should humans take in suchthis kind of warfare and how wouldwhat those posts be called? Note that I am a not an English native English speaker and my translations might be weird. For example:
Mission supervisors
Mantainance engineers
Communication engineers
- Strategists
- Mission supervisors
- Hackers and Counter-hackers (Electronic warfare)
- Scouts
- Spies
- Maintenance engineers
- Communication engineers