The amount of force exerted by the wind is determined by the density of the atmosphere, and the velocity of the wind. It takes more energy to accelerate a denser fluid to the same velocity.
Heavier and denser planets tend to hold more fluid down with their stronger gravity, but many other factors influence how much atmosphere a planet has. Earth could probably have an atmosphere much more like Venus, or much more like Mars, if its formation and history had been just a little different.
There are so many variables I can imagine, that I would say you can be fairly free here.
Planets with denser atmospheres but a similar amount of energy from their Sun as Earth gets, would have slower winds. But the winds would press harder compared to winds of similar speed on Earth. Hard to even compare strength directly. At 10x50x Earth's atmospheric pressure, walking against a 10 km/h wind would feel halfway to like swimming against a strong current in water. You would be able feel the eddies that swish around your hands as you move them through the air, but you could walk against it. And with modern engineering we could easily construct buildings to resist it. But gusts of 40 km/h would knock you over with a full body blow, and building to withstand that would require some creative engineering.
A human can actually breathe, in the real world, at such pressures. It requires very slow acclimatization while slowly lowering the oxygen ratio.