Remove, Falsify, then Actively Defend the Data:
This answer assumes you and the others trying to obtain the data DON'T want to create paradoxes. If paradoxes are okay, I don't think you have a problem. Copy and destroy the data at its creation. Then kill the creator before it was created.
That's not very satisfying. Not to mention that the data could still exist in a parallel dimension if you create a paradox.
While the ability to time travel is amazing, it doesn't make the traveler god-like. Someone has to go back in time and obtain/observe the data. Find out all you can about the handling of the data, then falsify the records of it to throw off rivals trying to get it. They don't simply get to pluck it from mid-air. If they don't know what the data is first (or even if it exists), they can't know they are being fed false data.
So obtain, then delete the data just after it's created. Without causing paradoxes, this will be hard. Defend the creation site/time until you know no other time traveler has the data. Kill rival time travelers if they show up and make sure there is no record of your theft so time travelers don't know why their friends went to steal the data and never returned. Replace the data with fraudulent information so thieves from the future don't know they are being tricked.
Now you need to know each time the data was accessed historically. Use the same steps to go, add the data back long enough to allow it to fulfill history, then delete it again. If the data was openly circulated, then the only way is to disrupt the timeline. But if it was a private file, then these steps mean you are present to protect the data when it is exposed but don't need to guard it throughout history to assure no one else has access.