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Aug 28, 2015 at 4:52 comment added Frostfyre @user2813274 See Step 5 for the answer to your question.
Aug 28, 2015 at 3:11 comment added user2813274 What would happen after his term as POTUS is done? or would he do all that before it ends? or somehow alter it to a lifetime position?
Aug 26, 2015 at 20:30 comment added Frostfyre @TimB Hence the need for Step 1.
Aug 26, 2015 at 20:15 comment added Tim B Become POTUS requires millions (billions?) being spent on your campaign. It's not something an average person can have as an aim.
Aug 26, 2015 at 18:48 comment added IchabodE It would definitely have to be covered up, and it would be conspiracy of people who would know enough to be dangerous, but in the end it is just a distraction a la 'Wag the Dog'. And I didn't see anything in the question saying you had to be in control for long... Just that you needed to take over, and by the time anything could be discovered and reported, you have.
Aug 26, 2015 at 17:09 comment added Frostfyre @MBurke There are several questions around here indicating that faking anything to do with aliens is going to be exceedingly difficult. This might hold until someone shoots down a drone and finds the computer chip with "Made in China" stamped on it.
Aug 26, 2015 at 16:50 comment added IchabodE Your answer is correct up through step 3. At this point, your leader of the U.N. should fake an attack by extraterrestrials. Nothing unites a people like a common enemy. And wartime allows you to restrict freedoms like nothing else. Mandatory curfews, martial law, surveillance ordinances, etc. But you have to start early. Back when you were CEO. Make it a robotics and aeronautics company. Build your alien army to be ready by the time you are the clear world leader (Step 3). Put measures in place to assure your security as leader when the threat is vanquished.
Aug 25, 2015 at 23:18 comment added Kromey @Frostfyre Oh sure, any country can say "we won't trade with you" to any other; why would that require UN approval? (Though it might draw UN ire in some cases...) The problem is that without UN backing behind it, the other countries can (and, depending on who they are and how much they like you, very well may) continue to trade with them, making your sanctions pretty ineffectual. Sure, they get more serious the more nations follow suit with you, but with world powers like China and Russia not in your pocket yet, they and their allies will easily undermine you by simply continuing trade.
Aug 25, 2015 at 21:53 comment added Frostfyre @Kromey I wasn't aware individual countries couldn't place sanctions on other countries without UN approval. Do you have a better (nonviolent) solution?
Aug 25, 2015 at 20:59 comment added Kromey Without a binding UN Security Council Resolution, those sanctions won't really hold. At the very least China and Russia, and their allies, will continue to trade with the nations you're trying to cut off, but even nations you could otherwise count as your allies may continue trade with those nations without that Resolution. You might inconvenience or even moderately hamper them, but you're a long ways from effectively cutting them off or isolating them from the world stage.
Aug 25, 2015 at 20:17 comment added Frostfyre @Kromey Note that I mentioned both US and UN sanction power in Step 4. While John might not be able to get sanctions through the UN, he can still put sanctions in place by going directly to the individual nations he already has in his pocket.
Aug 25, 2015 at 19:46 comment added Kromey I think you're overlooking a major stumbling block here, namely the UN Security Council, the 5 permanent members thereof each having veto power over any sanctions -- meaning Russia or China could very easily block your ability to sanction the dissenters (step 4) as simply as raising a finger, something they'd surely do before allowing you to sanction their allies (especially once it becomes clear what you're doing). It's otherwise a good plan, but I'd need to see how you plan on overcoming that to give it my vote.
Aug 25, 2015 at 17:54 comment added HDE 226868 Good idea; +1 for that plan.
Aug 25, 2015 at 17:53 comment added Frostfyre @HDE226868 Do they not already? During Step 3, start small rather than large. Get enough small nations backing you and the big nations won't have as great a standing. Then you can leverage peer pressure (that's the whole idea of controlling the UN).
Aug 25, 2015 at 17:49 comment added HDE 226868 Wouldn't other large countries (e.g. Russia) object to the United States - a nation they might not be on cordial terms with - taking such a huge position of power?
Aug 25, 2015 at 17:41 history answered Frostfyre CC BY-SA 3.0