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If your guys do not clean, carve out, flush out, whatever the aiAI from the system is, it does not matter whichwhat means they use to control parts of previous system - they may use typewriterztypewriters, ride aroudaround on stone bikes, whatever, all of that does not matter as long as they do not understand the system and clean the parts where aithe AI may be.

Okay, they use perforated paper to program a sequence on a steam pressure cooker - what has itthat to do with the aiAI inside of it and wifiit using WiFi as an integrated part of aithe AI version of an IOT, where heit stores its hidden backupbackups - nothjngnothing, it has nothing. Yeah it may be sloooow there(or may be not), but it does not mean it can't strike.

Okay, pressure cooker maybe a far stretched - universal matter synthesiser, how much brain it can have - itit's probably a complex machine, and what if it controls the only source of food hereonboard. Navigation, engines, reactor, electricity smart routing boxes, load distribution system, life support, etc. Maybe the ai isAI has a distributed system onof its own, in every preeurepreasure cooker there is a little bit of it - even though there is no information about that in the qquestion.

A space ship it is a system of connected complex machines and it has to work in particular way, coherent, at proper speeds and feeds, you just can't shove random equipment with different specs and expect for eveythingeverything work fine in. In cases ifof it makesmaking some real work and not just acting as an interface.

Replacing peripheral interface does nothing, replacing core equipment breaks coherence of the system, making a big question - can it still work or not, and most likely not, how fast it breaks, will it blow up  (not a trivial question, very important for a rocket, I guess for a space ship also a legitlegitimate concern).

  • there is a similar/different less significant compatibility problem - its name is "porting software between windows linux macos" - you guessed it, it is pain in the rear for anything more complex than some applet, with all the expirience and libraries for cross compiling - it still does not work the same.

There is a similar/different/less significant compatibility problem - its name is "porting software between Windows Linux MacOS" - you guessed it, it is pain in the rear for anything more complex than some applet, with all the experience and libraries for cross compiling - it still does not always work the same.

And here uyou throw guys into a system they do not know and wish to replace stuff randomly and rewrite stuff from scratch - it requires a lot of time and a lot of human resources and is not necessarlynecessarily possible, and you will need to make equipment/hardware from scratch as well, at least interfaces  (which are not necesarlynecessarily helpful, as I said earlier) and not always possible - why is way beyond the scope of the qquestion.

What they have to do is to understand the system, classify, identify components, especially aiAI related ones. If aithe AI is in every poressurepressure cooker and they can't erase, reset or rebuild components - then not muchthey're out of luck for them.

If aithe AI is in some datacoredatacores, data center, or on neural chips - reset it, place it in chroota chroot virtual environment, make safequard aiaround the AI, different monitors etc - then harden your security, harden youyourself against rebellion.

It not necessarlynecessarily a 100% success, as you really need to go troughthrough all leacksleaks of intel  (ifand if you can't......)

And there are options after options, scenarios after scenarios, variations after variations on how the situation can develop - the question does not provide enough information about situation and system and all that.

Maybe, they chip out aiAI datacore and most of other devices are operated by text commands idk, perhaps some JSON busAPIs, because founding fathers did forseeforesee the necessity of monitoring and be able read stuff there  (real situation), be able to overwrite stuff from a calculator. Etc etc. And aithe AI even being evil, keeptkept it that way to remove suspicion and whatever other reason  (there can be a list of those, valid ones).

mainMain points

  • Guys have to understand what they do - and use proper solution

  • youngYoung people may not know, but old - already do backups

  • factoryFactory reset is a thing even today, bring trash you. You can factotyfactory reset, for ai AI you can control (there are ways to do it rigth,right; just use dumber aisAIs, more of them etc)

  • itIt is possible to clean aiAI if you understand the system used, at least principlesin principle. AI can't emerge sporadically, we see that in efforts of todaystoday to make an aiAI work. So tresholdthe threshold for super evil, super smart aiAI is way higher than tech level you propose, and exceeds our current level. There are limits, there are conditions - it is not magic.

  • absenceAbsence of aiAI does not mean everything is good - viruses of today show that, so whatever hardware is left can be problematic. Some desync of actions may lead to problems naturally. Best one can do is to monitor for everything you can to detect abnormalities and be prepared to deal with the problems, fix them etc - detecting and understanding and cleaning system bit by bit.

  • inIn your question there is not enough information - it is possible to create situation and set resources available when your solution may be the only one, but it requires a lot more work on your side.

  • mostMost likely tech is tech of previous generation, or if most of it is lost then highest one they can get, chips from 80's-90-00-10-20-30, 90s, 00s, 10s, 20s ... 30s(?) - because the more you leave to be handled with already present components, which you didn't made, more there is places for potencial problempotential problems, for the aiAI black box situation as it is present in the qquestion. By lowering your tech for tapes (and really it not necessarlynecessarily easier than other solutions, satrunSaturn rocket engines are example - we can't make them today, but things are more interesting now) more you leave to be processed elswhereelsewhere, more things are out of your control.

Perfect situation is the same tech level, with factory reset equipment, or any hacked T100 options - make your own evil aiAI, which is evil against that original evil aiAI - if it can go wrong, make it go wrong in a rigthright way.  (butBut learn your lessons really, there are safe ways to do AI!)

  • itIt not possible to ommitomit alternative solutions, because how superficial the qquestion is, it brings irresitableirresistible urge to bring some improvements for situation, everyone tries in a way they can.

  • ifIf you like that steampunk stuff  (how it is called whatever) just do it, there is no reason for it, but just do. (Do not expect me to read/wahteverwhatever however, even if you pay, but it does not mean there aren't people with the same vibe) AI's and movies most books they sooso lost, even if there are good approaches, nobody uses them, lol. Evil aiThe 'Evil AI' trope is beyond repair.

If your guys do not clean, carve out, flush out, whatever the ai from the system it does not matter which means they use to control parts of previous system - they may use typewriterz, ride aroud on stone bikes, whatever, all that does not matter as long as they do not understand the system and clean parts where ai may be.

Okay, they use perforated paper to program sequence on a steam pressure cooker - what has it to do with the ai inside of it and wifi as integrated part of ai version IOT, where he stores its hidden backup - nothjng, it has nothing. Yeah it may be sloooow there(or may be not), but it does not mean it can't strike.

Okay, pressure cooker maybe a far stretched - universal matter synthesiser, how much brain it can have - it probably a complex machine, and what if it the only source of food here. Navigation, engines, reactor, electricity smart routing boxes, load distribution system, life support, etc. Maybe the ai is distributed system on its own, in every preeure cooker there is a little bit of it - no information about that in the q.

A space ship it is a system of connected complex machines and it has to work in particular way, coherent, at proper speeds and feeds, you just can't shove random equipment with different specs and expect for eveything work fine in cases if it makes some real work and not just an interface.

Replacing peripheral interface does nothing, replacing core equipment breaks coherence of the system, making a big question - can it still work or not, and most likely not, how fast it breaks, will it blow up(not a trivial question, very important for a rocket, I guess for a space ship also a legit concern).

  • there is a similar/different less significant compatibility problem - its name is "porting software between windows linux macos" - you guessed it, it is pain in the rear for anything more complex than some applet, with all the expirience and libraries for cross compiling - it still does not work the same.

And here u throw guys into a system they do not know and wish to replace stuff randomly and rewrite stuff from scratch - it requires a lot of time and a lot of human resources and not necessarly possible, and you will need to make equipment/hardware from scratch as well, at least interfaces(which not necesarly helpful, as I said earlier) and not always possible - why is way beyond the scope of the q.

What they have to do is to understand the system, classify identify components, especially ai related. If ai is in every poressure cooker and they can't erase reset rebuild components - then not much luck for them.

If ai is in some datacore, data center, on neural chips - reset it, place it in chroot virtual environment, make safequard ai, different monitors etc - harden your security, harden you against rebellion.

It not necessarly a 100% success, as you really need to go trough all leacks of intel(if you can't......

And there are options after options, scenarios after scenarios, variations after variations how situation can develop - question does not provide enough information about situation and system and all that.

Maybe, they chip out ai datacore and most of other devices are operated by text commands idk some JSON bus, because founding fathers did forsee the necessity of monitoring and be able read stuff there(real situation), be able to overwrite stuff from a calculator. Etc etc. And ai even being evil, keept it that way to remove suspicion and whatever other reason(there can be a list of those, valid ones)

main points

  • Guys have to understand what they do - and use proper solution

  • young people may not know, but old - already do backups

  • factory reset is a thing even today, bring trash you can factoty reset, for ai you can control (there are ways to do it rigth, just use dumber ais, more of them)

  • it is possible to clean ai if you understand system used, at least principles. AI can't emerge sporadically, we see that in efforts of todays to make an ai work. So treshold for super evil super smart ai is way higher than tech level you propose, and exceeds our current level. There are limits, there are conditions - it is not magic.

  • absence of ai does not mean everything is good - viruses of today show that, so whatever hardware left can be problematic. Some desync of actions may lead to problems naturally. Best one can do is to monitor for everything you can to detect abnormalities and be prepared to deal with the problems, fix them etc - detecting and understanding and cleaning system bit by bit.

  • in your question there is not enough information - it is possible to create situation and set resources available when your solution may be the only one, but it requires a lot more work on your side.

  • most likely tech is tech of previous generation, or if most of it lost then highest one they can get, chips from 80's-90-00-10-20-30(?) - because more you leave to be handled with already present components, which you didn't made, more there is places for potencial problem, for the ai black box situation as it is present in the q. By lowering your tech for tapes (and really it not necessarly easier than other solutions, satrun rocket engines are example - we can't make them today, but things are more interesting) more you leave to be processed elswhere, more things are out of your control.

Perfect situation is the same tech level, with factory reset equipment, or any hacked T100 options - make your own evil ai, which evil against that evil ai - if it can go wrong, make it go wrong in a rigth way.(but learn your lessons really, there are safe ways)

  • it not possible to ommit alternative solutions, because how superficial the q is, it brings irresitable urge to bring some improvements for situation, everyone tries in a way they can.

  • if you like that steampunk stuff(how it is called whatever) just do it, there is no reason for it, but just do. (Do not expect me to read/wahtever however, even if you pay, but it does not mean there aren't people with the same vibe) AI's and movies most books they soo lost, even if there are good approaches, nobody uses them, lol. Evil ai trope is beyond repair.

If your guys do not clean, carve out, flush out, whatever the AI from the system is, it does not matter what means they use to control parts of previous system - they may use typewriters, ride around on stone bikes, whatever, all of that does not matter as long as they do not understand the system and clean the parts where the AI may be.

Okay, they use perforated paper to program a sequence on a steam pressure cooker - what has that to do with the AI inside of it and it using WiFi as an integrated part of the AI version of an IOT, where it stores its hidden backups - nothing, it has nothing. Yeah it may be sloooow there(or may be not), but it does not mean it can't strike.

Okay, pressure cooker maybe a far stretched - universal matter synthesiser, how much brain it can have - it's probably a complex machine, and what if it controls the only source of food onboard. Navigation, engines, reactor, electricity smart routing boxes, load distribution system, life support, etc. Maybe the AI has a distributed system of its own, in every preasure cooker there is a little bit of it - even though there is no information about that in the question.

A space ship it is a system of connected complex machines and it has to work in particular way, coherent, at proper speeds and feeds, you just can't shove random equipment with different specs and expect for everything work fine. In cases of it making some real work and not just acting as an interface.

Replacing peripheral interface does nothing, replacing core equipment breaks coherence of the system, making a big question - can it still work or not, and most likely not, how fast it breaks, will it blow up  (not a trivial question, very important for a rocket, I guess for a space ship also a legitimate concern).

There is a similar/different/less significant compatibility problem - its name is "porting software between Windows Linux MacOS" - you guessed it, it is pain in the rear for anything more complex than some applet, with all the experience and libraries for cross compiling - it still does not always work the same.

And here you throw guys into a system they do not know and wish to replace stuff randomly and rewrite stuff from scratch - it requires a lot of time and a lot of human resources and is not necessarily possible, and you will need to make equipment/hardware from scratch as well, at least interfaces  (which are not necessarily helpful, as I said earlier) and not always possible - why is way beyond the scope of the question.

What they have to do is to understand the system, classify, identify components, especially AI related ones. If the AI is in every pressure cooker and they can't erase, reset or rebuild components - then they're out of luck.

If the AI is in some datacores, data center, or on neural chips - reset it, place it in a chroot virtual environment, make safequard around the AI, different monitors etc - then harden your security, harden yourself against rebellion.

It not necessarily a 100% success, as you really need to go through all leaks of intel  (and if you can't...)

And there are options after options, scenarios after scenarios, variations after variations on how the situation can develop - the question does not provide enough information about situation and system and all that.

Maybe, they chip out AI datacore and most of other devices are operated by text commands, perhaps some JSON APIs, because founding fathers did foresee the necessity of monitoring and be able read stuff there  (real situation), be able to overwrite stuff from a calculator. Etc etc. And the AI even being evil, kept it that way to remove suspicion and whatever other reason  (there can be a list of those, valid ones).

Main points

  • Guys have to understand what they do - and use proper solution

  • Young people may not know, but old - already do backups

  • Factory reset is a thing even today. You can factory reset AI you can control (there are ways to do it right; just use dumber AIs, more of them etc)

  • It is possible to clean AI if you understand the system used, at least in principle. AI can't emerge sporadically, we see that in efforts of today to make an AI work. So the threshold for super evil, super smart AI is way higher than tech level you propose, and exceeds our current level. There are limits, there are conditions - it is not magic.

  • Absence of AI does not mean everything is good - viruses of today show that, so whatever hardware is left can be problematic. Some desync of actions may lead to problems naturally. Best one can do is to monitor for everything you can to detect abnormalities and be prepared to deal with the problems, fix them etc - detecting and understanding and cleaning system bit by bit.

  • In your question there is not enough information - it is possible to create situation and set resources available when your solution may be the only one, but it requires a lot more work on your side.

  • Most likely tech is tech of previous generation, or if most of it is lost then highest one they can get, chips from 80's, 90s, 00s, 10s, 20s ... 30s(?) - because the more you leave to be handled with already present components, which you didn't made, more there is places for potential problems, for the AI black box situation as it is present in the question. By lowering your tech for tapes (and really it not necessarily easier than other solutions, Saturn rocket engines are example - we can't make them today, but things are more interesting now) more you leave to be processed elsewhere, more things are out of your control.

Perfect situation is the same tech level, with factory reset equipment, or any hacked T100 options - make your own evil AI, which is evil against that original evil AI - if it can go wrong, make it go wrong in a right way.  (But learn your lessons really, there are safe ways to do AI!)

  • It not possible to omit alternative solutions, because how superficial the question is, it brings irresistible urge to bring some improvements for situation, everyone tries in a way they can.

  • If you like that steampunk stuff  (how it is called whatever) just do it, there is no reason for it, but just do. (Do not expect me to read/whatever however, even if you pay, but it does not mean there aren't people with the same vibe) AI's and movies most books they so lost, even if there are good approaches, nobody uses them. The 'Evil AI' trope is beyond repair.

Source Link
  • 6.5k
  • 1
  • 20
  • 61

No. Total NO.

If your guys do not clean, carve out, flush out, whatever the ai from the system it does not matter which means they use to control parts of previous system - they may use typewriterz, ride aroud on stone bikes, whatever, all that does not matter as long as they do not understand the system and clean parts where ai may be.

Okay, they use perforated paper to program sequence on a steam pressure cooker - what has it to do with the ai inside of it and wifi as integrated part of ai version IOT, where he stores its hidden backup - nothjng, it has nothing. Yeah it may be sloooow there(or may be not), but it does not mean it can't strike.

Okay, pressure cooker maybe a far stretched - universal matter synthesiser, how much brain it can have - it probably a complex machine, and what if it the only source of food here. Navigation, engines, reactor, electricity smart routing boxes, load distribution system, life support, etc. Maybe the ai is distributed system on its own, in every preeure cooker there is a little bit of it - no information about that in the q.

A space ship it is a system of connected complex machines and it has to work in particular way, coherent, at proper speeds and feeds, you just can't shove random equipment with different specs and expect for eveything work fine in cases if it makes some real work and not just an interface.

Replacing peripheral interface does nothing, replacing core equipment breaks coherence of the system, making a big question - can it still work or not, and most likely not, how fast it breaks, will it blow up(not a trivial question, very important for a rocket, I guess for a space ship also a legit concern).

  • there is a similar/different less significant compatibility problem - its name is "porting software between windows linux macos" - you guessed it, it is pain in the rear for anything more complex than some applet, with all the expirience and libraries for cross compiling - it still does not work the same.

And here u throw guys into a system they do not know and wish to replace stuff randomly and rewrite stuff from scratch - it requires a lot of time and a lot of human resources and not necessarly possible, and you will need to make equipment/hardware from scratch as well, at least interfaces(which not necesarly helpful, as I said earlier) and not always possible - why is way beyond the scope of the q.

What they have to do is to understand the system, classify identify components, especially ai related. If ai is in every poressure cooker and they can't erase reset rebuild components - then not much luck for them.

If ai is in some datacore, data center, on neural chips - reset it, place it in chroot virtual environment, make safequard ai, different monitors etc - harden your security, harden you against rebellion.

It not necessarly a 100% success, as you really need to go trough all leacks of intel(if you can't......

And there are options after options, scenarios after scenarios, variations after variations how situation can develop - question does not provide enough information about situation and system and all that.

Maybe, they chip out ai datacore and most of other devices are operated by text commands idk some JSON bus, because founding fathers did forsee the necessity of monitoring and be able read stuff there(real situation), be able to overwrite stuff from a calculator. Etc etc. And ai even being evil, keept it that way to remove suspicion and whatever other reason(there can be a list of those, valid ones)

main points

  • Guys have to understand what they do - and use proper solution

  • young people may not know, but old - already do backups

  • factory reset is a thing even today, bring trash you can factoty reset, for ai you can control (there are ways to do it rigth, just use dumber ais, more of them)

  • it is possible to clean ai if you understand system used, at least principles. AI can't emerge sporadically, we see that in efforts of todays to make an ai work. So treshold for super evil super smart ai is way higher than tech level you propose, and exceeds our current level. There are limits, there are conditions - it is not magic.

  • absence of ai does not mean everything is good - viruses of today show that, so whatever hardware left can be problematic. Some desync of actions may lead to problems naturally. Best one can do is to monitor for everything you can to detect abnormalities and be prepared to deal with the problems, fix them etc - detecting and understanding and cleaning system bit by bit.

  • in your question there is not enough information - it is possible to create situation and set resources available when your solution may be the only one, but it requires a lot more work on your side.

  • most likely tech is tech of previous generation, or if most of it lost then highest one they can get, chips from 80's-90-00-10-20-30(?) - because more you leave to be handled with already present components, which you didn't made, more there is places for potencial problem, for the ai black box situation as it is present in the q. By lowering your tech for tapes (and really it not necessarly easier than other solutions, satrun rocket engines are example - we can't make them today, but things are more interesting) more you leave to be processed elswhere, more things are out of your control.

Perfect situation is the same tech level, with factory reset equipment, or any hacked T100 options - make your own evil ai, which evil against that evil ai - if it can go wrong, make it go wrong in a rigth way.(but learn your lessons really, there are safe ways)

  • it not possible to ommit alternative solutions, because how superficial the q is, it brings irresitable urge to bring some improvements for situation, everyone tries in a way they can.

  • if you like that steampunk stuff(how it is called whatever) just do it, there is no reason for it, but just do. (Do not expect me to read/wahtever however, even if you pay, but it does not mean there aren't people with the same vibe) AI's and movies most books they soo lost, even if there are good approaches, nobody uses them, lol. Evil ai trope is beyond repair.