The bottom line, of this question, is that I'm quite fond of the cassette futurism (WARNING! TV Tropes link) aesthetic, and want at least some of it in my world.
I'm reluctant to shoehorn it into my world, but I have what I think are good reasons for it to be at least a little prominent.
The backstory of the world is that a government-backed AI (or is it an AI-backed Government...?), has made a grab at being a global power, mainly via twisted social credit systems that have fed into a self-reinforcing machine-learning system of oppression. If you oppose the government, you aren't trusted to vote, and if you can't vote you can't make changes that would improve your social credit. Soon the only eligible candidates in world politics (from America to China, Europe and Russia) have policies 'informed' by this AI, and it's cornered the market in oppression. This is all set to occur over the next 10-40 years
All told, some number of years later (i.e. at the end of the 10-40 year period above), an organised set of rebels have planned to destroy the AI's data-centres that are integral to it running various governments. They are set to be successful except the AI has one last plan, to take its supporters/electorate who have sycophantic social credit scores into orbit on massive generation/sleeper ships and plans to leave earth (The earth has basically been ruined by the AI, which had been told to preserve humans, but not the planet. In turn, the AI on earth is crippled/destroyed by the rebels).
In the war against the AI government, all new tech the rebels can find is destroyed, decommissioned or deactivated.
They also managed to lay siege and take over one or more of the massive star-liners the AI had decided to use to save humanity. They ransack it and deactivate the copy of the AI onboard, but now they have all this new tech that if used threatens to re-activate the AI and start it working against them again.
So the plan is, if they want to make the most of the captured ship, is to replace all the new tech with old tech, specifically 60s-80s tech that runs on tape or cassettes. One of the other benefits to them is that this technology is the most modern technology that is still incapable of running the AI on it.
Do these seem like plausible ways of safeguarding against AI in this scenario? Or does it seem like there would be much better/easier ways of doing so?
Please note: this question is tagged reality-check
This tag should clue in any potential answerers based on it's tag wiki: "Asks if a given concept is realistic in a given context. Answers should say yes or no, with supporting info. " (emphasis mine). As such I am not soliciting discussion or suggestions on ways to improve this concept. The context above should be taken as an inviolable fact, and not something to be iterated on as part of this question.